Kara wrote:Quote:Under those rules, ... save the lives of those we love?
What is your purpose in posting this statement?
We all have read the news in recent weeks. We all know -- per John McCain among others -- that torture elicits no useful information but often comes up with falsified verbiage to get the torturee off the hook.
My purpose should be obvious. It's to convince the pusillanimous among us that we can no longer ignore the reality that surrounds us. It's to convince the pusillanimous among us that good intentions are not enough to solve this problem. It's to convince the pusillanimous among us that they can no longer afford to be pusillanimous.
You write: "we all know." False! I for one don't know this. I don't believe you for one know this. I don't believe John McCain for one knows this to be true for anyone other than himself.
I know that information has already been elicited from these homicidal maniacs that has saved the lives of the innocent. You ought to know this too. Thus far in this damn war we have not yet experienced another 9/11/2001. Do you think those that have been incarcerated so far were incarcerated because they were directly
witnessed to be attempting more maniacal homicides in the US, or were detected merely by
asking detainees for such information?
It is plain that the TMM (i.e., Terrorist Murderers and Maimers) plan to change our luck in extracting sufficient information in time. How do we know? Because the TMM have said and written so (see above), and because they have heretofore attempted or succeeded in doing exactly what they said they would do. Short of killing or maiming those homicidal maniacs, we should use force to cause them enough terror/pain/discomfort to tell us what we need to know to protect ourselves.
kara wrote:Why should we give up our principles and our beliefs expressed in the Geneva convention to a blanket foreswearing of same in order to find some few bits of info that might -- read will-not-happen -- elicit a few names and phone numbers that are dead ends.
That is BS. Our principals and beliefs are first presented in our Declaration and Constitution. Our first principal is to secure the liberty of all innocent people.
Your question assumes falsities. I bet that you personally have zero information regarding what information has actually been extracted from these self-declared murderers of innocents who bare zero allegiance to the Geneva Convention. The principal reason for your and my not knowing is that such information must be extracted secretly in order to be effective. The Geneva Convention is a treaty we signed with other states. It is not a treaty we signed with those who expressly want us all dead; those who declare:
Quote: ... the Crusaders, whom we have no choice but to kill.
Do you not understand that one of the
Crusaders they refer to is
you? Yes,
Do you not understand that some of the
Crusaders they refer to are
those you love? Yes,
those you love!
Do you understand that the
Crusaders they refer to are not those westerners who conquered Palestine approximately 1000 years ago?
Do you understand that the
Crusaders they refer to are
all of us now who are not Muslims that obey TMM standards of Islam.
If you don't understand such, perhaps you might come to understand such if you interview the families of all the 9/11/2001 victims.