H2O MAN wrote:
Fido wrote:
H2O MAN wrote:
A vote for Obama was a vote for more government dependency, less freedom and reduced liberty.
We should be able to depend upon our government, and if we could depend upon our government for justice we would not be reduced to depending upon the government for some form of welfare.
Today's Obama government is not one you can depend on for anything good.
It was always a house divided, but there has always been so much of America, and so much opportunity that most of us, enough of us could do well even if we did not have justice from our government having justice as one of its goals... Now you see us fighting amongs ourselves, locked in bitter hatred in some cases and advocating a sort of social cannibalism, of taking from the weak because the rich and powerful have already secured the best and the rest, and where is the government to give us the promised justice???
You say Obama's government, but his government like all the rest has existed to serve the rich... He has to put on the appearance of serving the poor, but the facts are that his a bought negro... He is not going to give us justice, and no people should actually rely upon their government for justice... We should never allow our government to deny us justice as our government have always done, or eventually it will get to the point as it has in medicine where whe poor will want and wait for good health so the rich can have theirs as they wish... Look at the bastards in government... They serve themselves for a few years and when fired by the people they have health insurance for life... Why should they care what we must suffer... They will not care what we endure unless they themselves also endure it... Their wages must be the same as our wages and then we can see both go up together... Their health care must be the same as our health care if we expect improvement of our own... It should be our government and we should expect from it all and everything it has promised when it set itself up in business...