Thu 27 Jan, 2011 12:52 pm
Tina Fey is still hilarious mocking former Vice President hopeful Sarah Palin, but Palin is now old news. Shouldn't Fey move on to new material?
Actually I can't decide if this latest Sputnik bit is clever, or just too over the top ridiculous to be funny.
Heh! (I see what you did there.)
The part when she says that Sputnik was responsible for the the downfall of the Soviet Union is pure comedic genius.
you can't discount her opinion.
she witnessed it from Alaska, remember...
definitely over the top, people are beginning to Tina has no future in comedy.
She said WTF on fox news!
Tina needs to work on her voice and Palin accent. It sounds waay too fony and whiney. Not to mention that ms Fey is beginning to chunk up a bit
I was "aspired" to listen to the whole video so I could enjoy the humorous looks on Greta's face while she was listening to Sarah.
You mean that wasn't futs?
Greta's expression is brilliant in this.
The North Star is definitely a gift that keeps on giving
What I don't understand is why do they still call her Governor? Don't you lose the title if you quit?
If we had American Idol or Survivor pick the next president instead of elections, she would probably win.
What a country.
IRFRANK wrote:What I don't understand is why do they still call her Governor? Don't you lose the title if you quit?
even jesse "i was a navy seal, brother" ventura has the decency to say former governor, and he's a complete loon