Hello fellow artistes...
I paint in acrylics (used to do oils, long ago) and watercolours. I have probably done about 6 dozen paintings (usually 20 x 24, but one was 5'x3' and some were 3'x3') since 1990, when I moved to acrylics. I've sold some and given lots away as gifts... I have about a dozen left. I paint in a variety of styles - naive art, representational, surreal... you name it... but always with happy colours cuz I'm a pretty happy person. When I figure out how to post pics (or follow some directions), I'll put a couple up for your critiques...
A couple years ago I started in with w/c... I'm having a lot of fun with that. I also work with pastels and pen & ink.
I sew applique things - mainly cuz I'm a crappy sewer and 'art' forgives a lot of mistakes!

I will post some of what I did and you can give me your opinions.
Mainly I love LOOKING at art - anybody's and everybody's, whatever media - I just totally LOVE it and regret very deeply not having a studio so I have to take over the dining room and/or kitchen and/or living room
Life's a beach for hubby but too bad \

he should have built me a studio...
Oh, I started painting on glass a couple years ago, and also jst finished two tile mosaic tables for my deck.
We had a great idea for a splash rail in our second bathroom - again, I'll post a pic when I figure it out again, because it's ORANGE - the them is Santorini, during the Minoan era, pre-eruption (3500 yrs ago)...
anyway, the idea! We got some 1/4" glass cut to specific dimensions and four holes drilled, and we put family pics up, glass over and screw in... very unique! You can also put art behind it... I'm going to get another glass for my kitchen splashguard - everyone loves the bathroom one.
Nice to meet you guys... I'll have some time to figure out the pic thing in a couple of days...not that you're all hanging around with tongues lolling out or anything!