aidan wrote:Maybe your obsession with guns David really is no more than an obsession with control=or not wanting to be controlled by anyone else, and having the means to retake control of a situation if someone tries to take it away from you.
I grew up in a libertarian environment,
both in NY and in Arizona. I was never oppressed.
I had no objections of that nature.
I never gave any thawt to
USING a gun against anyone.
I have never mentally
targeted anyone.
I obsessed about holding it in my hand, looking at it,
operating the mechanism and target practice.
When I obsessed over guns, I never considered shooting anyone,
altho it was more than obvious to me that if
predatory circumstances arose, then of course
I woud use it defensively against man or beast, depending on the situation
and then shoot to
kill; no fooling around. Some people fear &
that thay don 't know if thay coud defensively kill.
I have no qualms about that, in the least,
(just being careful to know
what I'm shooting at
and having some thawt to a competent backstop;
e.g., I 'd not want a round to overpenetrate a burglar and hit my $4,OOO HDTV).
aidan wrote:I don't like to be controlled.
I don 't either, but in candor it has never occurred to me
that I have any reason to complain about that.
I have always felt pretty free.
aidan wrote:It's only been three times that I've ever felt restrained by someone else and those three times I rebelled - probably to the extent that people thought I was overreacting.
Once, a guy who wanted to be with me and I had said no, blocked the door so I couldn't get out. He wasn't going to rape me or anything and I wasn't afraid of him, but I wanted to leave the room and he was bigger than me and he was not letting me. He was TELLING me what I had to do (stay there) because he was bigger than me and could and I can remember just boiling over with rage - that he thought he could tell ME what I had to do.
Well, geee, in candor, I will confess
that I was on the rong side of that.
I did the same thing
: my impression of Gov. George Wallace in the door.
I did an unlibertarian thing; I shoud be ashamed. I guess it makes me a hypocrit.
My girlfriend, Maralyn, drank most of a pint
of 161 proof Puerto Rican rum. She told me
that she was going to put her 4 year old child,
Nancy, next to her in her car and drive to a
crackhouse to spend the day.
I tried to talk her out of it, but she wanted the crack.
That 's when I blocked the door.
She threatened to call the police.
I said that, as her landlord, I invited her
to use my fone to call the police and
explain that she was full of 161 proof rum,
that she had no insurance, no registration,
and no driver's license (all expired)
and that she wanted to drive her child
to a crackhouse for the day, on the public streets of NY.
She re-considered calling the police; maybe not.
She demanded that I clear the way; I refused,
in defense of the motoring public of NY.
She threatened to hit me with her weapon of choice:
her big radio, so she bopped me on the head.
That did not work.
She calmed down in time and I took her out for breakfast.
aidan wrote:The other time was when I was giving birth and the nurse was pushing on my belly and all these people were tugging and prodding and I just yelled out,
' Get away from me - stop touching me - leave me alone.'
I felt like a piece of meat with no say in any of it.
The third time this friend of mine was in the car with me and I was driving and she was drunk (again) and she just kept yelling this **** in my ear to the point that I stopped the car and told her to get out, after having asked her repeatedly to be quiet and stop yelling in my ear while I was trying to drive, and she wouldn't.
Still stopped on the side of the road, I told her I was tired of babysitting her and her drinking problem, I pulled out my phone to call another friend to come get her and she grabbed the phone from me and wouldn't give it back. She was bigger and stronger than me and I just looked at her with utter contempt and said, 'You know - you're acting like a ******* bully - give me my phone - it's my property - give it to me right now or I will never speak to you again.'
She wouldn't...I just drove her home - she finally gave me my phone when I pulled up at her house and she got out and I've never spoken to her again.
The fact that she would use her size to control me like that was just too much.
I think I would freak totally out if anyone ever locked me in a room or tried to put me in a straight jacket.
I would not be a good candidate for prison.
I think I'm obsessive about my freedom- I can't stand to feel trapped or constrained.
And my hatred of small spaces and being around small-minded constricting people is probably indicative of that.
When I had a lung infection, with a lot of coffing,
my M.D. Rx ed Codine and he demanded and insisted
that I be very rigorous in taking it on his scheldule.
I complied and got claustrophobia. I used to take refuge in my back yard.
I complained; he changed the Rx and the claustrophobia ended.