To give my bona fides as a football dumkopf, my very best super bowl sunday was spent with pals at a vietnamese restaurant in LA's chinatown, where we knew the chief cook and bottle washer who was also the owner, and then went to a place in Westchester (near LAX) where one of the guys was in the band. A total debauch. The city was quiet that day. Even still. Good day to go for a drive, except perhaps when the bars closed.
Another one of the guys had an interview the next day for some LA City administration job. The interviewer eyed him up and down and then said, "I saw you at Los --------- last night." He got the job, if I remember right. Whether in spite of his dancing (he was 6' 4" and his vietnamese wife was perhaps 5'-0), or his credentials, I've no idea.
I'm also a long time sport follower, since the day I was at a friend's house and the family was watching the Kentucky Derby. I was twelve. The horse I picked because of his name, Swaps, won. That was it, I started reading sport stories from the library and in the newspaper.
No one would ever call me an athlete, but I got to be passing good at some sports, for minutes at a time.