
Thanks for being civil.
Quote:I certainly didn't thumb down your or David's posts, Bill (may I call you Bill?).
You may call me Bill. I wasn't saying that you in particular thumbed down our posts. Of course, we did offend someone because we had "0" instead of the norm (which is "1"). But I wasn't personally offended by receiving a "0." I was just trying to have a little fun, just as David has said he was. The thought never crossed my mind to post in this thread until I saw that David had done so. As we've corresponded frequently by PM, I've considered David to be a friend. Some may disagree with his political views (As for me, I gave up on politics years ago), but he's one of the most polite members of this forum (as is edgarblythe, by the way, with whom I've also corresponded by PM a number of times)). My intention was simply to provide David with a little moral support. I'm dismayed and saddened by the disruption I seem to have caused.

I guess some could argue that David was being perhaps a little rude, but I should point out that neither of us in this instance resorted to name-calling (e.g., this from a sports fan in another thread, "you ... pathetic f---ing loser(s)") or personally attacking someone who had simply made an innocuous statement. I had not intended to post any more comments in this forum about the sports culture or mandatory P.E. When I posted last, I assumed that nothing would come of my and David's posts. If I had known that I would have caused this reaction, I never would have posted here. Oh, well, you live and learn (again).
Quote:I have read through your posts. I can't quite comprehend what seems to be animosity towards sports or phys ed for kids in school. You have a thread related to those issues. Please link it and we might join you there.
I've posted too much. I wonder how much you've read. Sometimes I
am short-tempered, I guess.
There is a sense in which I'm not "anti-sports." If I had a teenage son who wanted to play football in high school, I would support him (with reservations). And I'm certainly not sedentary. I'm a confirmed gym rat (bodybuilding). I wouldn't dream of taking sports out of schools for those who want to play them. I'm not against phys ed. I favor the reform of mandatory P.E. The traditional sports-based approach (which even some "progressive" members of this forum support) shortchanges nonathletic students. The most hostile place for a nonathletic boy is a mandatory sports-based P.E. class. I'm convinced that historically more bullying has taken place in mandatory sports-based boys' P.E. (which, again, is supported by some "progressive" members of this forum, despite the bullying, which is dismissed as "part of life") than in all the academic classes combined.
Although you're clearly a gentleman, I regret that I must decline your offer to link the thread to which you refer. The hostile reaction that Chumley's two posts "I hate sports" and "Welcome, Sports Haters!" received indicates that no civil exchange is possible. I would be besieged with ad hominem attacks from members who believe that the sports culture (mind you, the culture associated only with several extremely popular sports) is sacrosanct and therefore above any critical evaluation. There's no point in having an exchange with people whose minds are closed. Besides, I had already given up posting in this forum anymore about any aspect of the sports culture or the need to reform mandatory P.E. for the benefit of those students who are the most physically unfit. I should have exercised better judgment and let David have his fun without me.
Quote:I shouldn't hold my breath, I suspect, waiting for your picks.
I'm sorry, my friend. I don't even know how the game is played. I guess the sports bug never bit me. Best wishes (sincerely).

Exit (permanently, at least as far as this thread is concerned), stage left.