Why are we stopping at week one? Warning: Spoiler Alert! Stop reading now if you don't want to know how each game will end.
Week 2
The Steelers beat the Colts
The Pats beat the Ravens
The Saints beat the Bears
And the Falcons best the Packers
Week 3
The Pats beat the Steelers
And the Saints beat the Falcons
And of course The Patriots win the Superbowl.
(The only one I am not certain about is the Saints beating the Falcons.)
Coin Toss/Coin Toss joined us mid-season on the year long A2K NFL "Pick-Um" thread. CT was deliberately kept gender-less. No particular reason other than that I found it somewhat challenging to do that in writing my weekly narratives. I doubt that the folks involved in that thread noticed that quirk, which turned out to be more difficult than it seems.
The idea came about when the suggestion was made that we, as a group, could do just as well by making our picks by flipping coins. It was argued that our results could be shown to not be statistically much better than CT/CT's which would seem to be 50/50.
For the season, we as a group made 6,231 picks. We were correct in 60.7% of them.
This week, CT/CT goes for: Indy, Balt, NO and G Bay. CT is happy with the picks.
CT/CT, by the way, had Seattle over St Louis yesterday.

You're a braver man than I, David. You realize, of course, that this
won't make you popular with the other members, don't you?
Instead of a coin toss - and because I know absolutely nothing about football- I'm going to do it by which city I know/like better and see how well I do. So my picks will be:
New York
New Orleans
Just as an experiment to begin with, but I am fairly competititive in spirit, so if one of my teams makes it to the Super Bowl - I'll watch it instead of the Andy Griffith show marathon and eat me some chicken wings and drink a beer or two.
Sounds fun to me...can't hurt. Is there a prize?
so, spill...
what sort of a coin is Coin Toss?
a mundane 25ยข piece?
a majestic half dawllah?
as an upstanding member of these boards, Coin Toss should have his (or her) own avatar...
wmwcjr wrote:
You're a braver man than I, David.
You realize, of course, that this
won't make you popular with the other members, don't you?
That can be fun too.
My loyalty is to
competent logic.
I care not which group of strangers
can play in the grass better than which
OTHER group of strangers.
What does Macbeth tell us about:
". . . a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing."
maxdancona wrote:
And of course The Patriots win the Superbowl.
This is why we love you.
Aidan, the prize is, er, bragging rights of some sort. No one has yet figured out what they are, and we've had a few years to do so. Feel free to suggest some.
OmSigDAVID wrote:
wmwcjr wrote:
You're a braver man than I, David.
You realize, of course, that this
won't make you popular with the other members, don't you?
That can be fun too.
My loyalty is to
competent logic.
You seem to step out on her a lot David.
Essentially, the results are the same,
no matter which group wins or which group loses ball games; right ?
Johnboy's picks
21 players in this far with 15 of them veterans from the A2K "Pick Um" thread plus 6 new players. Welcome to everyone.