Very interesting about CPAC RJB. I'm familiar with the Log Cabin Republicans, but this is the firt time I've heard of GOProud. I think you may be onto something about the social issues in terms of a organizational divide.
Issues I think of are usually in terms of the larger general election. If I was to specifically think of which issues will effect the Republican nomination, it would be as follows (in no order).
Afghanistan (and lesser so on Iraq) - The GOP needs to form a plan on how to get out of this situation. It's too late to really sell the idea that we need to be there forever. I think positive points will go to candidates that at least sound like they have a clear idea how to get out. This will also help in the general election with independents and moderate democrats.
Same Sex Marriage - The GOP will have to decide if they can continue to court the religious conservatives on this. The end of DADT socially sets the national tone and path towards recognizing homosexuals equally. I'd say within the GOP this is still something they will oppose, but maybe with less vigor than in the past.
Oil Drilling - I think issues like off shore drilling and drilling in ANWR still unite most Republicans. It also sets them apart from the dems pretty well. I'd also tie this in with the larger issue of natural resources. I think it's likely that succesful GOP candidates will push ideas like "clean coal" and natural gas.
That's all for now