The Republican Nomination For President: The Race For The Race For The White House

Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 02:04 pm
It cannot be done because the Church would cease to have meaning if it was. It wouldn't be the Church if it did it. The Church cannot do it by internal logic.

That is absurd, Spendius. If the Church lifted its ban on artificial contraception, it would have almost no impact on it "meaning." Fact is, the Church could lift its ban on all male clergy without significant negative impact on it "meaning."

There are natural contraceptive processes.

Yes there are. Nobody here is denying that. With the exception of abstinence, they happen to be notoriously unreliable...that is the problem.

Contraception prevents you discovering them.

Only in your imagination.

Then you think they don't exist.

Not only do I think they exist...I know they exist.

And they do.

Yes, I know they do. I have never denied they do. I acknowledge they do. Now, can we move this along?

I gave one. In ribald form.

I don't think you ever have. And if you are speaking of withdrawal before ejaculation...that is one of the most inefficient methods known. If you are not, why not simply state it in a coherent form rather than that nonsense you go through. You can spell the words that threaten you...l-i-k-e t-h-i-s.

The porn studs practice another.

Name it. I promise we will not think lesser of you if you do. But of course, you won't.

They demonstrate the determination I told you about a few pages ago.

You are dreaming if you think the female porn stars count on the methods employed by the male studs. DREAMING.

There are others too difficult to discuss associated with temperature, acidity and extrusion.

Only for someone anal with regard to S-E-X, Spendius.

C'mon. Deal with it like an adult.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 02:06 pm
The Bible is against spilling the seed on stony ground. Onan.

I had a parakeet (budgy) named Onan, because he too spilled his seed on the ground.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 02:19 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I don't think spendi ever heard of involuntary ejaculation.

Men, by nature, do not pull out before ejaculation. That's abnormal.
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 02:25 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I am aware than many communities are landlocked but there are very few countries in that unfortunate position. Your inter-state commerce regulations are so complex because a lot of states are landlocked.

Serbia became ladlocked when Yugoslavia disintegrated. Hence the wars there. Rhodesia is landlocked. Bolivia. Paraguay. Switzerland. A few in Central Africa. All paying tolls on imports and exports. There are not many. Look at a map of the Congo. Ever heard of the Danzig Corridor. People in countries with access to the sea and who take it for granted have little idea of the politics of landlocked countries.

I should have been less flippant. Fish is good for us and a lot of people don't like it. I don't much. Also it frees up pasture land to fodder both humans and animals for cavalry operations, dray work, milk production etc. A valuable source of easy and plentiful protein was being underexploited in a world short of it. Fish on Friday is a perfect example of pragmatism being the mother of doctrine. And all doctrine has the same motivation. That you don't understand the dynamics is neither here nor there.

Fishing also helps develop the technology of sea going vessels.

There was a rumour that one of the Pope's mistresses was married to a fisherman. History is full of examples of persuasive mistresses. It is an aspect of history that Setanta hasn't studied much.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 02:28 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I don't think spendi ever heard of involuntary ejaculation.

Men, by nature, do not pull out before ejaculation. That's abnormal.

If this truly is Spendius' idea for an effective alternative to the pill...I can only say that Spendius must be absolutely sure he will never get pregnant this way accidentally.

And I think that is the reason he feels comfortable with this method, because obviously, he won't.

I wonder how comfortable his female partners are with it.
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 02:28 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Men shouldn't be making women contraception issues a concern; women are capable of doing that themselves, and they do.

Are you suggesting that women are not pressurised by men to use artificial contraceptives?
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 02:37 pm
That's only part of the issue; you dumbkoff!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 02:40 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Most Catholic women already use contraceptives.

Is it really too much for you to understand what I have said about that or are you not reading my posts either in your eagerness.

How do you know anyway?

Because most educational institutions practice various underhanded methods of getting "good" exam results to enhance their reputations does not mean that the Dep't of Education should announce its approval of those methods and give them its blessing.

Is it really too difficult for you to understand?

It seems A2k has no Catholics despite there being 80 million in the US. Have you cowed them all with your ignorant, self-gratifying blurts?
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 02:41 pm
Are you suggesting that women are not pressurised by men to use artificial contraceptives?

Are you suggesting a significant number of women do not want to get pregnant, but are unwilling to take precautions unless being pressurized by men?????
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 02:49 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I don't think spendi ever heard of involuntary ejaculation.

Too right I haven't except when asleep. You're talking about lack of determination I think. I can't imagine involuntary ejaculation. Does it happen anywhere? Just wells up through no cause. I'm glad I never had that condition.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 03:09 pm
You wrote,
How do you know anyway?

It's common knowledge now; most Catholic women admit using contraceptives.
The first NSFG survey, which in 1973 was administered only to married women, shows that 66.4 percent of all married Catholic women of child-bearing age at the time used contraception. (Table 17). Among those using birth control, only 8.3 percent relied on rhythm; 2.9 percent relied on withdrawal. (Table 18).

That's 66% of married women; one can assume that unmarried women use contraception on a more frequent basis. Or is that too difficult for you to "digest?"
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 03:28 pm
@Frank Apisa,
If this truly is Spendius' idea for an effective alternative to the pill...I can only say that Spendius must be absolutely sure he will never get pregnant this way accidentally.

Who said ejaculation was necessary. Dylan said "Don't go home with your hard on" as a young man. By Saved he had changed his mind. The dreams are something else.

I can't be sure of anything to come but I am sure I never fathered an unwanted baby.

Let any young man establish a reputation for being reliable in this respect in the minds of the ladies around him and he will reap the rewards of his self-sacrifice, if such it is.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 03:58 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Bloody hell ci. I've told you ten ******* times. It doesn't matter to the official position of the Church if 100% of Catholic women are using artificial birth control. It is not going to officially approve of it for the reasons I gave. It wouldn't be the Catholic Church if it did. The Church knows there is, near enough, 100% wanking and it won't come out and approve of that either. And you can tell what women think about wanking by the way they make little snidey remarks on the matter.

I gave you two examples. Speeding and something else I can't remember.

And you are quoting figures for the USA when there are many times more Catholics in other countries. I wouldn't be surprised if it has written the USA off. And it couldn't announce that either if it has. It is not the American Catholic Church you know. There's not a tenth of Catholics American.

You think what you know is all there is to be known.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 04:10 pm
Bloody hell ci. I've told you ten ******* times. It doesn't matter to the official position of the Church if 100% of Catholic women are using artificial birth control. It is not going to officially approve of it for the reasons I gave. It wouldn't be the Catholic Church if it did. The Church knows there is, near enough, 100% wanking and it won't come out and approve of that either. And you can tell what women think about wanking by the way they make little snidey remarks on the matter.

My guess is you would have thought that same way at one point about changing from the Latin rite to Mass using the language of the host country.

Things CAN change, Spendius. Women now serve Mass...when it would have been unthinkable while I was growing up. Women may eventually be made priests...without bringing down the Church. Priest may be allowed to get married.

Your absolute insistence that the Church cannot lift the ban on artificial contraception is an absurdity.
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 04:14 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Yes there are. Nobody here is denying that. With the exception of abstinence, they happen to be notoriously unreliable...that is the problem.

No it isn't. It's the determination that is the problem. How can it be unreliable if the bloke is determined for whatever reason he is. Is low intensity determination actually determination.

Only in your imagination.

How do you know? From what you say you've never tried it. The wet dream is to stop you going nuts. As an evolutionary biologist what do you think the function of the wet dream is?

Name it. I promise we will not think lesser of you if you do. But of course, you won't.

I don't give an on the winger what you think.

You are dreaming if you think the female porn stars count on the methods employed by the male studs. DREAMING.

I never said they did. The guys take no chances. You don't think Jamie Gillies and Pete North are going to take her word for it that she's on the pill and get slapped with a sucker paternity suit do you. You're ******* dreaming mate. You are all theory. You can't put yourself there.

When you say a method "works" or is "efficient" what exactly do you mean? Work for what? Efficient for what?

Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 04:25 pm
Actually, Spendius, I will quote you and then make a suggestion.

First the quote:

Who said ejaculation was necessary.

Now the suggestion:

Consider that quote carefully before you consider anything else Spendius says on this subject!
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 04:32 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I guess the almost seven billion people on this planet resulted from the lack of ejaculation! Mr. Green Drunk Drunk Drunk Drunk Drunk Drunk
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 06:20 pm
@Frank Apisa,
My guess is you would have thought that same way at one point about changing from the Latin rite to Mass using the language of the host country.

You guessed correctly on this occasion.

Things CAN change, Spendius. Women now serve Mass...when it would have been unthinkable while I was growing up. Women may eventually be made priests...without bringing down the Church. Priest may be allowed to get married.

Try not to be so ******* ridiculous Frank. I know that is an assertion but I feel that it is impossible to explain to you why priests won't be allowed to get married in the foreseeable future.

Your absolute insistence that the Church cannot lift the ban on artificial contraception is an absurdity.

That's an absurdity. The ban won't be lifted.

I notice you now use "artificial contraception". That's a sign of progress. We do not want there to be any confusion about the difference between "artificial contraception" and "natural contraception". The latter is so much more fun as to be a whole other experience.

You calling an entity which lifts the ban the Church is a mere play on words.

Why doesn't Mr Obama make a statement approving of wanking. According to Kinsey it is universal. Or almost. There must be a lot of votes in that. Subsidies could be arranged in election years to facilitate uptake.

Do you approve of wanking Frank? A lot of psychologists do. And they use scientific criteria to do so. What is Mr Obama waiting for? If he wishes to promote subsidising recreational ejaculations of jism why doesn't he include all possible methods? Are wankers second class citizens?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2012 05:43 am
@cicerone imposter,
I guess the almost seven billion people on this planet resulted from the lack of ejaculation!

They certainly didn't result from efficient ABC operations.

And the number of births is not a measure of the amount of sexual activity. Are you suggesting that married couples with two children have only had sex twice?

There are about 4 million births in the US per year. There are about 60 million women in the age range 16-45. At a sexual contact rate of twice per week, an average, then these 60 million women experience sexual contact 6,000,000,000 times resulting in 4,ooo,ooo pregnacies. Or once in 15,000 contacts.

What on earth does ejaculation have to do with births? That ejaculation is a condition of the births is a bit like saying that Thanksgiving dinner arrangements are a condition of eating. Except that Thanksgiving dinners represent only about once per thousand dining experiences. Not once per 15,000.

Your sophistry would be quite funny if we assumed you were having us on with it. As it is it is tragic. It means you are seriously intellectually challenged.
Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2012 06:10 am
rjb might claim that the thread has gone off topic but Fox News last night devoted the first 15 minutes of the "No Spin Zone" ( a joke), which is a lot in Media terms, to the matters we are discussing and directly related to the Republican nomination race for the White House.

And Bill O'Reilly made the same gross blunder as you are all making. He seemed to be saying that ABC is wrong because the RC Church says it is wrong. It never seemed to enter his head that ABC is wrong full stop and that is the reason the Church says it is wrong.

No doubt the RC Church says that cooking and eating babies is wrong as well.

I'll accept that Bill, who is about as right wing as a port engine, did not wish to go into the details of why ABC is wrong and is content to allow the theologians to explain it to those mature enough to understand.

Freedom for women in sexual matters grants them the right to have sexual contact any time they want and with who they want within the legal constraints of consent and public decency.

Many radical feminists claim that it only appears that women consent and that heterosexual contacts are inherently non-consensual because women's co-operation is conditioned by expectations and influences, mainly economic, deriving from male domination. Or, as Ms Greer famously said, "all men are rapists". She was obviously not thinking of female domination.

The use of ABC automatically implies that male orgasm is the key necessity and feminists claim that such an implication imposes limitations on female sexual possibilities.

The international survey of men "on the job" showed the USA the most efficient at 7 minutes which is hardly enough to get a healthy woman's eyelashes fluttering.

Is Frank abstaining from explaining what he means by "works" or "efficiency"?

Fancy being flat out misogynists and being unaware of it. Talking about reality and not knowing their own reality.

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