@Frank Apisa,
Now that I've been reading
Shop Class as Soul Craft, An Inquiry into the Value of Work, by Matthew B. Crawford, I'm seeing the work situation in the U.S. much differently than I did, say two weeks ago before I opened the book. In short, I think there are systematic changes that have been happening for about thirty years that will make the economy problematic no matter what party or independent is in the White House and Congress.
I'm no economist to make a smart judgement of this book, but Crawford backs up all he says: at the back of the book there are pages and pages of references re his points of view, a kind of bibliography of backup. Somewhere in the middle of reading it, I got a little irritated with Crawford in "how does he know all this" but that stopped when I started reading the notes. Who is he? He's a guy who has a doctorate from the University of Chicago in political philosophy who today runs a motorcycle repair shop in Virginia. Anyway, I think it's a worthwhile read re where we may well be headed re jobs.