Not sure what you are asking, but I don't mind seeing the contest continue. I think too much is made about damage inflicted on the eventual nominee during hotly contested.
I fully expect Romney to prevail.
Liberals were never going to vote for him so whether or not they sense he's been damaged is utterly irrelevant.
There will be enough time between the end of the primaries and the general election for him to rehabilitate himself with the majority of independents who are leaning right.
No matter how ugly it gets the vast majority of Gingrich supporters hate Obama
a whole lot more than they can ever hate Romney, and will not stay home in November.
There is some validity as well to the notion that an ugly primary campaign helped inoculate the ultimate winner.
One thing I've learned over the years is to not give a fig for the analysis of the great majority of political pundits. No one brings their prior comments and predictions up on screen during an interview, but they are all prime gotcha targets. Most of them are slaves to conventional wisdom, and ultimately will say anything to keep the interest alive.
Reminds me of the nonsense sportscasters spout during a clearly one sided game.