There are other worlds. Obviously money makes that world go round which has imbued money thinking with the milk of the mothers. Money makes "a" world go round. It is that particular world of money thinking. It is not "the" world. Unless of course your narcissim has reached levels at which no other world than your own can be conceived and thus cannot exist for you.
But other worlds do exist and money thinking is only one of many worlds. And if some of the more extreme doomsayers are to be believed money is shortly to bring its own world to a shuddering halt, the less extreme talk of a "soft landing", and not make it go round at all.
The narcissism of which I spoke is not only geographical but also time related. It's a narcissism enclosed in both space and time. And it is eminently defensible as a religion, which is what it is, as is money thinking, from an evolutionary perspective as it is also from a philosophical point of view.
On the basic scientific principle in our culture known as Suck It And See that religion has been well sucked (cf. ads on telly for seating appliances) and what you see is the result. To what extent is the status of the USA due to the religions of narcissim and money thinking and the interconnections between them? The Diet of Worms and the Council of Trent having been replaced by the Paris Summit of Word Wizards and the gatherings of the GAAT sorcerers.
Is that okay? Ya dig?