georgeob1 wrote:
I note that none of the new information that you are now belatedly offering has anything to do with polls, which, according to you are the gold standard for intelligent predictions.
My opinion on the matter certainly does - including specific polling that I've seen of the people who actually ARE up for re-election. I didn't go into depth about this in my last post but I'd be MORE than happy to if you like.
Quote:You have previously rejected out of hand my clearly stated opinions regarding trends in public policy and the still unfolding financial crises that have fuelled the Republican resurgance so far (and, in my view promise to continue fuelling it)
That's because your opinions just don't match public opinion polling on the matter, at all. And you're not really willing to discuss the difference between your opinions and what the public signals in polls that they think should be a priority for the nation; you've specifically disparaged these polls many times in the past, preferring instead to substitute your own opinion of the situation. I can't have much a discussion about that.
Quote:and emphasized that ONLY polling data is reliable proof. Now that a thoughtful analysis of polling data has been shown to refute your argument,
What? What thoughtful analysis of polling data? Specifically. The last thing you analyzed was Rothernbergs' projections, but you don't go into any data that actually supports those. More of an Appeal to Authority than analysis.
Quote:you (1) reject it out of hand with a bit of hand waving, and (2) introduce new inferential information even less relevant than mine and far more subject to rapid change.
I disagreed with your analysis based on historical trends, not waved it away. The vast majority of incumbents win re-election and I'd be willing to bet that when a President from their party is up for re-election as well, that number increases even further.
2 is a valid point in that it's new information in the argument, but hardly less relevant.
Quote:This isn't merely sloppy. It is a rather transparent but pompous attempt at bullying your way to a point, and doing so with a remarkable display of hypocrisy.
Pff, you have no standing to criticize anyone in this region. You regularly make assertions with no intention of backing them up with anything but condescension.
Quote:Even if the Republicans win ONLY the seats (currently Democrat & Republican) labelled as in play but leaning or tilting Republican they will pick up 4 seats !
Well, that's assuming that they also hold all their seats as well. I have serious doubts that Ensign and Brown are going to do so. But hey, you don't want to talk about individual candidates, remember?
Yes, if the Republicans have a great year and defend ALL their seats successfully while picking up ALL the weak Democratic ones, they will get 4-5 seats. You're talking about pretty much the best-case scenario for Republicans.
Quote:I thought that corporate America and Wall Street and the Chamber of Commerce were flooding the Republicans with money. How is that you now doubt their future giving?

Don't you recall that this is a presidential election year? This whole discussion started, you will recall, with my assertion that the candidate at the top of the ticket will have a massive impact on the elections down-ticket.
How much money this cycle is going to go to the Republican presidential primary? The Dems have to spend NONE of that money. The RNC is already 25 million in debt and it could get a lot worse. I don't doubt their future giving, but they are starting off in a big hole - and it's going to be hard to keep up.