This is only the 2nd time in US history that anything unrelated to military affairs is elevated to "National Security Threat".
The first time was in 2000, when Samuel Berger (Clinton's National Security adviser, later famous for decamping with classified documents stuffed into his socks) tried to justify his boss's bid for support by the homosexual community and got (politely) laughed at even at PBS.
In this second effort 10 years later Mrs Obama's proteges are the potential recruits being turned down for being too fat. Regulation maximum body fat is 27% in the US armed forces - a very, very ample allowance since athletes never exceed a third of that.
The "1 in 4" number used by Mrs Obama becomes "1 in 2" if only the pool of black and hispanic potential recruits is considered. Of them, how many would meet all other requirements (min. education, no criminal convictions, etc) if only they lost the weight? Hardly any.
All this "obesity and national security" nonsense is so much smoke-and-mirrors and deserves to follow its predecessor "threat", AIDS, to a well-deserved oblivion - especially if more billions are to be thrown at it than this idiotic bill has already wasted.