I think he will make country rich again and that we would become a force to be reckon with when he is an office. The main thing I am worried about it his how he will approach those situations. With how he approaches the current questions he is asked now, I feel like foreign countries would become offended. The problems this can cause it not worth the riches.
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Tue 3 Nov, 2015 10:57 pm
mcmanaz wrote:
I agree with you completely, Trump is knowledgeable on business not running any sort of political office. He is going to want to run our country like a business. Business focus on getting bigger and stronger. This is done by taking out competition or buying out competition. This is going to cause us to enter into wars we do not want to be in, with countries that are our allies.
That is not the goal of business and your last sentence is pure nonsense.
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Tue 3 Nov, 2015 11:40 pm
Now wait a minute Izzy. John Carter may have had one built when he lived there.
He may well have, but that was back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, and I don't think that even a sphinx could last that long.
Maybe Palmer Eldrich had something to do with it.
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Wed 4 Nov, 2015 03:02 am
This is what Donald Trump should do on SNL: when he is doing his stage stuff he should drop into a super articulate elite speak, and then he should do some raunchy self deprecating comedy sketches. Or maybe one, and one where he plays manly man like Putin.
This could be good. It is time to shake things up again, and time to make a fool of the critics. Not predicting but I am for sure going to watch to find out.
Overall, when it comes to the political world, Trump’s language defies precedent. But for Sclafani, she thinks she may know where it all comes from.
“He’s turning political discourse into reality TV,” she said. “I’m sure if someone did a study on discourse structures of reality television shows, and compared it what he’s doing, there might be some overlap.”
The trouble with Donald Trump is not, as Jeb Bush and others would have it, that he's not a true conservative from any perspective. The trouble with Trump is not that his policy positions on immigration, ISIS, health care, Social Security, or whatever don't stand up to a moment of casual scrutiny. That we're even talking about his “positions” means that we've already progressed to the dangerous Stage Two of the Trump phenomenon, as if his stated views are the standard by which Trump ought to be judged—a huge victory for him right there. The trouble with Trump is that he is, by temperament, by experience, and by character, utterly unqualified to be president of the United States. He is a buffoon. That's why his campaign is a joke, not the merits or otherwise of his alleged policies. All he brings to the table is a lot of money and a talent for publicity. These are not worthless assets in a presidential candidate. Trump is right, unfortunately, that his billions free him from the need to raise money, with all the dispiriting and time-consuming compromises that that entails. And, of course, he is not the first politician with a knack for drawing attention to himself.
But he may be the first who offers little more than that. Oh, a bit of wit and charm. A sense of humor that always leaves the listener wondering whether he's serious or not.
This is a really fun read. MICHAEL KINSLEY is all pissy and clearly cant figure things out but none the less feels the need to warn us that Trump is the antichrist.
High strung as hell. I like the way he writes though.
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Wed 4 Nov, 2015 05:49 am
You may find it a fun read, but then again you thought American Pie was worth watching. Trump's lack of humour was on display when he accelerated away from a tuba player on The Last Leg.
Matt Bevin winning in Kentucky was surely good news for Trump today. And it is yet another case when the polls were massively wrong. I am starting to become convinced that a significant number of people now lie to the polsters as an act of the Little People Revolution.
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Wed 4 Nov, 2015 02:27 pm
You may find it a fun read, but then again you thought American Pie was worth watching.
61% on Rotten Tomatoes ain't too shabby. Yes, it is a fun flick. You understand that I am not an elitist, right?
It's one of the unfunniest things I've ever endured. I had to sit through about half of it once, fortunately that was it. Comedies are meant to be funny.
It's one of the unfunniest things I've ever endured. I had to sit through about half of it once, fortunately that was it. Comedies are meant to be funny.
there have been a lot of words spilled on the differences between what Brits find funny and what Americans find funny. And really what has it got to do with this thread? "Funny" is not in the required skill set for a president.
It's not just that. There's plenty of brilliant American comedy, and then there's American Pie.
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Wed 4 Nov, 2015 05:37 pm
As for elitism, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there are any disabled actors in American Pie. The clip I posted from The Last Leg has two disabled presenters.
You're more interested in preserving the power structures of the elite than breaking through glass ceilings.
I dont believe in the concept of affirmative action for victims. I believe in rewards by merit, which means being the best at doing the work. "make sure that there are enough women, gays black and hispanics in the pic so that we look like we support diversity" needs to be run out on a rail. Now we are supposed to add cripples to the mix too? No no no, this has got to stop.
"I've never been that close to him anyway. There's a lack of humility, a lack of seeing what the other guy thinks. He's more kick ass and take names, take numbers. I think he paid a price for that. Rumsfeld was an arrogant fellow," he was quoted as saying in the biography.
Very interesting that the quotes from this book are the same stripped down very simple tongue as Trump uses. Bush 41 was an odd fellow, a very able technocrat who had a good enough political ear to function in that world. Son JEB! has none of that.
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Thu 5 Nov, 2015 03:26 am
You believe in bland tasteless crap. The Last Leg is brilliantly funny, and your bigotry is clear when you condemn something you've not even seen.
American Pie is very low brow humour with predicable jokes, the spunky beer gag was the most predictable thing I've ever seen in cinema. You like stuff like that because its pitched at your level, anything else shoots right over your head.
You love the elite, you're a forelock-tugging arse-licking little sycophant. You have a problem with educated people who talk about things, and laugh at jokes, you will never understand. That's why you're so full of anger towards women, gays, minorities and, now it appears, the disabled.
You claimed Trump was funny, but comedy is something you know absolutely nothing about. You've never made a light hearted post in your life.
If this wasn't funny, it wouldn't have already run for five seasons with a sixth due in January.