Since when did running for Prez become a Private anything when the media is invited? Cant have your cake and eat it too. Trump just doenst want his protesters on the 8 oclock news. Wake up! Hes an American fascist! He even said, when he takes office hes gonna push thru legislation that curtails the "lying media" . He sells people lies and they believe it.
Ive always said, the ony thing that stops Trump from fascism is free press and congress. He already talks of limiting the press and all the other candidates say they will support him....hello???? After WW1, germany had a democracy too, and people werent happy with it, just like now...who came into power promising ridiculous ideas, hating on the true races of their downfall, then send their country into a permanent state of humiliation. If you cant see the parallels, then you have blinders on your eyes!