Well - he did spend a considerable amount of time in Australia....
Quote:His humour is timeless, i'm not sure if it's appreciated outside of Ireland and England but i think he was hilarious, do you ????.
Yes, I though he was hilarious, too, eurocelticyankee ... back in the old b&w days of Oz television. (seems really odd to see Dave in colour.) Loved him.
I haven't crossed your path on A2K before, so I'm assuming you're new-ish here. So welcome & a pleasure to meet you!
G'day back attcha!
You can never have too many Irish, I always say!
(You're going to have to shorten you're name, somehow. That's quite a mouthful!

Columbian ****, it's the best **** in the world. so funny!!!!!
Thats what she said last night.
Who said?
And what did she say?
(I've missed something here.)
"Thats quite a mouthful",
Thats what she said last night.-----(joke)
Oh right.
I tried hard to shorten it, but with no success.
Who would have thought there'd still be so much Dave on YouTube ...
It is such a blast from the past! (A
good blast, mind.)
Yeah, that boy is pretty damned funny. There are enough Irish (born in Ireland) and people of Irish descent living in an Irish cultural context, as well as English (born in England) and people of English descent living in an English cultural context for his humor to resonate with them. However, i doubt if he was ever broadcast in North America. In both Canada and the United States, programming is purchased from the BBC--but i don't think much programming was purchased from RTE until quite recently. Also, in the United States, public television stations have to purchase their programming out of their own funds--in Canada, CBC buys programming to be shown by all of their stations. Britcoms (British situation comedies), as they are known, have been quite popular--shows such as Are You Being Served?, To the Manor Born and (god forbid) The Benny Hill Show. Several successful Britcoms have been remade in the United States and have been successful in their American incarnation, such as All in the Family and Sanford and Son.
However, i don't ever recall programs of stand-up comedians being shown either by PBS stations in the United States or by the CBC.
Thats a pity really, as there are some good acts
Did you get Father Ted over there ????
Yeah, but long after i had pretty much given up on television. I saw parts of a couple of episodes.
given up on tv, i hope you found something better. anythings better says you
Well, i read a lot. I always have. Before we got a television, we listened to our favorite radio programs--but otherwise we read. When we finally got a television, there was initially only one station we could tune in, so not all of us watched all the programs. We'd still listen to our favorite radio programs, for as long as they ran (many became television series, eventually), or we'd go read a book.
In the early days, there was one channel, and often there was "nothing on." Now, there's 700 channels . . . and usually, there is still nothing on.
"Guess who that is."
Ian Paisley. I did a pretty good imitation of the clown myself, once upon a time.