@Robert Gentel,
I see you are speaking explicitly to those that are ignorant and not productive at all in the face of the topic (as most people), but I think if this person is capable of building a logical, sound, valid argument for rape, I think it is worthy of exploration and not a subject of disapproval, for most people who have a new, notion, is almost always met with great resistance and negativity, and they are always going against the norm which we, today, think is normal.
But of course, that is IF they are capable of doing that and not just bluntly being stupid.
but i'd say, on a slippery slope argument, if we put this as a criteria of banning, what if this triggers the notion of another topic being banned, like killing infants, and then perhaps supporting suicide, and eventually a whole list will form and where will it stop? who will decide what to and not to ban? sure "supporting rape" is extreme and perhaps easy, through unanimous vote... but if this continues, this is the notion that brewed racism, prejudice, Hitler, and so on...
also people will stop speaking their mind when these restrictions are set fourth. We the readers take it our responsibility to agree with, or not agree with what people say, and I think that should be the most we should do and not engage in paternalism.
...but i didn't read 84 pages worth of replies so this probably came up a bajillion times. what is your response to this type of claim?