maxdancona wrote:
Quote:FWIW, I don't believe max believes or disbelieves anything he posts.
I just think he's adept at posting whatever pushes someones buttons, and will cause them to respond.
Since I realized that, I don't feel the need either way to respond or not respond.
Thanks Chai. I appreciate this; especially the part about not feeling the need to respond.
To be clear max, that's not what I said, and provided what I did say above your statement.
But, that's just what you do. And I don't think you give people enough credit for seeing through that.
To be specific, I see you as sort of a non person on the internet. You don't have any ideas of your own as far as your "existence" on the internet. What you say may or may not have anything to do with the the person is using their physical fingers to tap keys.
All you do is type whatever will cause people to engage with you. That's why you're considered a troll. You'll just say anything at all. Like you'll most likely respond with something or another in awhile, or sometime after awhile, or not at all if you think that will be the device that will cause some kind of absence of engagement, that is in some strange way an engagement.
Here? I really don't feel I'm engaging with you. Mostly I'm typing this so that those who get all hot and bothered realize they're really just addressing a phantom. Especially those that get all riled. Seriously dudes, you're addressing your comments to nothing.