I want A2K to pay for me to visit a Censor's Convention in Hell...sorry, that should be Los Vegas....all the greats will be guest speakers ! Hitler, Stalin, Genghis...I should be able to come away with many new solutions. What say you, A2Kers ? Send me to Hell??.....damn it....Los Vegas.
0 Replies
Sun 31 Oct, 2010 06:33 pm
putrid fascist pestilence that took over here.
But you haven't been here for months, Wilso!
How would you know?
I believe Wilso is too straightforward to hide when he posts. I recall in the past, he has absolutely no tolerance for anyone whose opinions he hates. And never did mind whose toes he stepped on in telling us about it.
0 Replies
Sun 31 Oct, 2010 06:55 pm
I honestly haven't a clue about whether that might be the case or not, Intrepid ...
But one thing I will say ..
You can never confidently predict what you might find in the next post on this thread! Anything is possible!