No he is
not using it as a metaphor, when Bill has decided someone is a "bad guy" trash is exactly like he wants to treat them. He believes that pedophiles* should just kill themselves, even if they have never committed any crime and have no intention of doing so. He says he doesn't care that they are born that way, doesn't care if they successfully fight it but should just kill themselves just to eliminate the risk of abuse occurring.
Bill is all about finding human "trash" to take out and it is one of my fundamental qualms with his positions too. It is a thoroughly ignorant position that a lot of people take up, trying to distance themselves from monsters when the reality is that there is often little dispositional difference.
But he rejects trivialities like life being more nuanced than a comic book and he likes his world black and white. He has all the nuance of a Ying-Yang as he divides people into "good" people and "bad" people and works himself into a self-righteous indignation about the "trash" the posturing clearly makes him a man apart from.
It's like an action movie posing as philosophy and is a significant part of nearly every disagreement I have with him. He rejects all nuance and just blusters on at how obvious his distinctions between the good guys and bad guys are. The truth is that in real life monsters are not the 2-dimensional cardboard characters Bill would have them be. But to even mention that his world is one of ridiculous reductionism just lands you in another reductionism: a bad guy sympathizer. So when folks like dlowan and myself point out how his bad guys are caricatures he just tells us that he just doesn't have the soft hearts that we do to sympathize with pedophiles, when in reality we are just trying to explain to him that he's living in a cartoon world and don't necessarily harbor any sympathy for anyone in the matter.
*Note that a pedophile is someone with a strong chronologically discordant sexual preference, not the colloquial definition of one who actually realizes the preference and is a child abuser. Many pedophiles simply live difficult, asexual lives but Bill would have them kill themselves instead because whether or not they harm anyone the ick factor they give him lands them on his "trash" list.