@High Seas,
Possibly, since I don't immediately see people in racial boxes, and thus, am more likely to refer to a guy by his name if I know it, shirt color or other identifying information, it may be months til I say, "...the Latino guy." I do know in some conversations, a term describing people by race is necessary. I expect if I find myself in the position and err, the worst thing that will happen is a bit of the red-face if I am redirected: (eyebrow raised at me) "He's from
Mexico"...leaving me to wonder if this makes my assumption of
Latino just stupid, lazy or merely unfortunate. It's sort of like the
Asian designation; unpopular among the multi-ethnic people from a huge area of the globe....although, not incorrect...
I guess if I do get some minor social smackdown over it, I can privately comfort myself in the awareness that I would never think of him - much less refer to him - as a
colored. For me, legitimately caring about people's dignity absolves me of feeling too bad about accidental gaffes...although it is good to take away meaning from these exchanges...whether or not we choose to amend our vocabulary based on them.
Toward that cause, referring to someone as
a colored, HS, is very insulting. I hope you'll reflect on this - whether or not you choose to amend your vocab rests on who you are.