For what it is worth, I don't think you do, I think you just spell it differently.
Quote:Beauty is a concept with parameters that actually hold up well through history and across cultures, generally speaking. Eg symmetry and other features generally fairly well delineated.
So then are the concepts of what constitutes forum trolling, yet you get as widely diverging an interpretation of the concept as you do of beauty.
It is in the eye of the beholder, no matter how well you think its definition is codified.
Quote:You are correct in that there is a great deal of local and individual variability, but nonetheless there is a consistent broad agreement about what constitutes beauty.
Re trolls...you also appear to agree that there IS a definition of troll. I think that, like beauty, there is a broad general agreement about what constitutes a troll, with significant local and individual variability.
You simply place the "troll" boundary at a different place from many others.
You know, you are saying the same damn thing here, but with different wordy-thingies.
Quote:I don't think you have any real right to accuse others of "daft" subjectivity per se...we are not arguing about WHETHER there are boundaries...we are simply inevitably disagreeing about WHERE the boundaries are.
I do think I have the inexorable right to accuse others of any imagined or not-imagined daftitude I want. Whether or not the benevolent spirit of technical-correctness smiles upon me as I do so is a wholly different matter.
Quote:I have no doubt that it is annoying and difficult being constantly badgered about this, but I'd have thought it comes with the territory.
Yeah, and there's also the possibility that I am just an intolerant asshole with precious little patience. Or that I am just not of forum management timber, but whatever the case may be I think it's time for the community to step up and run itself. It's too big to depend on personalities already and I'm gonnna keep acerbically calling unto it to do so for lack of intimacy with a more highly-evolved way.