Many years ago, I was driving down this street -

with my boyfriend, later to be husband, in my vw van, which I had to carry 4 x 5 foot paintings. We were coming back from what had been my parents' house, which I was fixing up to rent (to pay for my mother's nursing care). That was in an upper middle part of town, no matter that they'd money struggled there for years. I lived in venice, had a gallery, surely a hippie. John had sort of an irish afro, and I don't remember re me that day, sort of middle arty. Cop car stops me to search, me with the funny van on a nice street. Sigh, it had sparkles. Earl Sheib. (Was it a patrol car or security, I think SM city patrol, but that's a long time ago). Miss, there has been a burglary, we need to search your van. Uh, ok. And it was, my van was very boring.
My boyfriend was mr. calm. He was raised in south LA, home of many urban troubles. I had been showing him the allee of beautiful trees...
I took this even then as "suspicious car drives down street".
What I don't know, not following these matters that much, is about whether that was ok for them to search in the first place, police or security.
I took this as a class thing, and probably still do.
Years later, sort of a circle, I had a wonderful warm interesting client on that street. Every time I went there, I sort of chuckled.