H2O MAN wrote:
Obama democrats have failed here.
Obama failed because he tried to patch up this country and make it work for a little while longer when, if he were serious about change, he would have told all the republicans how hard they have worked to split this country so the rich could have all, how mean spirited and unchristian they are, how irrational bordering on insane they have acted, and how all the major problems faced at this moment were their doing, and needed undoing... He could not call a spade a spade... Maybe he could not say it; and perhaps his formal education blinded him to it.. It is a problem... America needs a one term president who does not look beyond four years to fix the problems that confront us... We can't deal with six more years of depression around here... We have had depression already for six years before Mr. Obama... The desire to be re-elected when he will not be, and because he did not deliver the change we need is what is making a second vote for him impossible... If he had any nerve, he would have gone for it, and dared every democrat to go for it, and make major changes that would have left the republicans in the dust... Playing politics is going to cost him his job... Trying to be civil around a party of jackels is impossible..