So what??? The people are telling themselves and the parties that they are capable of change; but the parties are not capable of change... One quarter is about right, and it is to secure those numbers that Mr. Obama tried to lean to the right and govern from the center... The thing is, that there is no true center, and those so called independents may sway elections but they are as squishy as a mile of mud... And purely dangerous if moving down hill, but at rest or in the shift from right to left they are an object of contempt...
It is the squishys that allow the hard tea party right to turn elections and even the course of government... There is nothing new there, but it is safe districts where the tea baggers are a terror, because they demand such a litmess test of conservativism that it pulls all leaders away from moderation and forces them into extremism which is something all mankind appreciates more than moderation... Moderation, after all, needed a philosophy to attempt to make it a way of life... Immoderation was the way of life before, after, and always... So Mr. Obama is not going to win a single vote being moderate, and he is demanding the contempt of the population for trying...
America is reaching a crisis point where the rift between right and left may no longer be straddled and can only be bridged by an increasing muddy middle that no one should count on for anything... So don't celebrate... Obama may have lost the middle, but he never really had them, and the right will never really have them either.. They are all disaffected, and now disappointed, and the choice they are offered: Democrat or republican is not a choice, but a condition where the cure is at least as bad as the illness...