parados wrote:
So are you proposing an armed insurrection Fido? Or are you just spouting stuff that has no meaning?
I never justify violence personally or politically... All forms, and it does not matter if we are talking marriage, or governments are only as healthy as the relationship they structure... If I was married to some one who was continually distorting the form so it would mean what ever they wanted it to mean, other relationships, me doing all and them doing nothing; then I would say the form was robbed of its meaning.... All that makes forms real is the faith people put into them, and the faith has about run out of our form of government... When we wave the flag and say the pledge and sing the anthem; we still want it to mean something, but it means no more than our failed dreams mean... No matter how much hope we blow into it we will find it flat when we need it most... We might say our system of government has served the rich, but if it kills all of us whe can say they benefit??? We see where in Rome and Greece, to mention two ancient examples, the rich won against the poor, and all together lost... Rather than change their form which had changed in spite of no agreement as to the direction of change, they considered change impossible because it was inconceivable... All people need to do is learn what they are dealing with... Thomas Jefferson had formal cosciousness, and mentions forms in the declaration of independence, and he is correct that people should not and do not change their forms for light and transient causes... And yet; ALL of human history has been the history of changing forms...
As difficult as it may seem, it must often be done, and those forms which have become intractable, impossible to change, are those most in need of change... The parties, as an extraconstitutional arm of government have divided the people in order to hold the people powerless in their own lives while government does as it decides to do... The government deprived of the wisdom of the people must suffer the leadership of the rich who see all through a veil of money... This is not a path to success, but is the dead end of failure looming before us; and the evidence is everywhere... So; time to start writing a new constitution, and for beginning the debate about what government should do, what powers it should have, and for what purpose it is created... The Preamble is good enough as written...All that follows needs a serious look...