I started out as a bonafide dyed in the wool he-man cat hatin dog owner guy. Some of my earliest memories are of our family dog, and for the first 3 decades of my life there was generally always a dog to hang around with (except during the times I was without a home or had circumstances that wouldn't allow me to keep one) from as little as a chihuahua to as big as an Akita. I cried about Big Yeller; I loved Lassie and Rin Tin Tin. But not only that.
I shot at cats with bb guns when I was a kid, and when I heard of cruelty done to cats on Halloween or just for kicks, I don't think it upset me much. Cats seemed to me to be some kind of aberration - dogs were normal. Dogs were lovable and fun to be around and sometimes my best damn friend. Cats were miserable little snobs who made me sneeze and seemed to serve no useful purpose.
But then,
I married a lady who liked cats (my first wife), and had a couple of 'em. I slowly somehow grew out of my allergy to cats (I guess from constant exposure), and during that process, came to see them as interesting little creatures. I gradually started to appreciate the things that make them unique, and instead of comparing them to dogs, I started to like 'em just the way they are. They are not affectionate and loyal and cuddly like dogs, but they can be affectionate and constant and comforting in their own ways. I'm now Bi-loyal: I can go either way - dogs or cats

So anyway, I keep getting a lot of hateration from people about cats - and specifically about being a man who likes cats. I've noticed that it's sort of an acceptable sneer "Hmmph. A
man who has
Well I am here to say... ARE MALE CAT LOVERS NOT HUMAN? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? I SAY THEE NAY!!!!!!!
The time has come for men who like and have cats to unite!!
Rise up, and throw off the hateful bonds of the unenlightened hoards!
Take to the rooftops and shout proudly for all the world to hear... I have cats, and I am proud!!!!!!!
Man, I gotta stop drinking coffee after dark...