I'm another bi-loyal type, I love cats and I love dogs. Cats are very individual -- I've known some who are totally sloppy loving loyal goofballs, and then some who are the archetypical aloof "how dare you touch me, peasant!" types.
Cats and dogs are plain different. With the exception of some of those first type*, I usually feel like I've
earned the respect (or, in rare cases, devotion) of the cat. With dogs, it's usually far less conditional. ("Yay! Food! I love you! Hey a walk too! You're so the best!!")
I do love dogs though too.
*One cat I met on the street came running at me and started winding around my legs and then went into paroxyms of purring when I went ahead and petted him, and gazed at me adoringly, and then when we tried to leave he followed us into our car! (Not TO the car, actually IN the car!) He had a tag so after I shooed him out I took down the number and called later (it wasn't a local area code) just to make sure all was well, and the very bemused owner said that he just goes around falling in love with everyone he meets. But that she lived nearby (she'd moved recently and that was her cell phone number) and he was in her lap at the moment actually. She thanked me for not taking the opportunity to steal him.

(I was sorely tempted!)