I really think that, with cel phones, there is an assumption that people will be available 24/7. Which is ludicrous, unrealistic, and sets up unfair expectations.
Case in pernt: a friend from college had the job from hell (or, at least, the employer from hell) when she (the friend) would be called 24/7 and, yes, this meant 3 AM. For design work.
Allow me to say this now.
There is no such thing as a design emergency.
This boss was an insomniac and was apparently hell-bent on making everyone else wake up 'round the clock as well.
Obviously, not everyone is like that, but if me having to answer you, drop everything every single time in order to breathlessly and quickly speak with you about a job that I am certainly not guaranteed to get, in order for you to even consider me for that position then, no matter how crappy the economy is,
I don't want your job.
Yet counselors did try to get us to believe that we'd have to answer calls at 9 PM, 6 AM, while driving, while picking up kids from day care, whatever. Unbelievable.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I am well aware of the magnitude of suckitude in this economy. But show a little goddamned common sense once in a while.
Anyway, rant over. I rarely give out the cel number. That is for a damned good reason. I will answer you in good time. It is not like I am gonna leave you hanging for weeks. Truly, it isn't going to take me more than an hour unless you called right at the end of business, and then I will return your call the following business morning (and, yes, this means Monday if you called me on Friday afternoon).
But I am not going to snap-to every time it rings unless I know for sure that you are calling. You, like everyone else on the planet, know how to use an answering machine and can leave a message. After all, even if I did snap-to every single time, who's to say I didn't snap-to and answer a call from your competitor just now? Maybe I am talking to them while you are trying to reach me. I am not going to say, sorry, gotta take this other call. No. You are going to go to voice mail. If that insults you, Mr. or Ms. Employer,
get over it. Unless we had a specific appointed time and date to call, you might get a -- shock, horror! -- voice mail or busy signal. If that is too much for your delicate sensibilities to handle then I suggest you find something else to do than call people for work, because busy signals are gonna happen.
Okay. Whew.
Now the rant's over.