Ah Stand Up- what a sweet face. All innocence I bet. Thanks for getting us a bigger version! Is that tail as long as it looks or is it the angle of the photo?
I thought that all cats were BOSS CATS, it's just that some of them are sympathetic enough to let us at least think we have some control over the running of our own households. :wink:
And as far as the deep-voiced stranger goes - it's a ploy! It'll work until about the time the cat knows the stranger's wrapped around her little finger just as tightly as you are.

Me, I've given up on the nice curtain idea. They just have no respect for niceties. The flimsy curtains are also just great for playing with your partner-in-crime through. i.e. the gathered look is in! Admittedly it's better now that they're past kitten-hood, but does anyone have a working solution for the couch shredding phenomenon?