sozobe wrote:I LOVE Chows. Vowed to get one a while back. A puppy was left at the Goodwill next to my office, a little black bundle of fur, all of us at the office took care of her and tried to figure out what to do, I came this close to adopting her, one of my employees did instead. Visited the dog often, a real sweetheart.
Sozobe -- Aren't the puppies amazing? So cuddly... if I could, I'd have a dozen! I grew up with lots of different dogs and we've had a couple of other dogs while our kids were small. I loved all of those other dogs, but I am really attached to our chow-girls. They're highly individual, charming & extremely loving - great family members and easy-keepers. Go find a puppy, better yet, find two... :wink:
Here are some action photos of the chow-sisters as adults: