Quote:We established that when we established that you have no idea what is going on with men.
Who is the "we"?
It is rather ironic that the only male-bashing" being done in this thread is being done by you.
Without out any justification, you are claiming that
all young men are failing. You see them as inadequate. You say they need "extra help", they need "resources". You are implying they can't keep up with women, they are "falling behind", they will become marginalized. To make such a blanket negative statement about
all young men strikes me as "male-bashing" of the worst sort. Why are you characterizing all young men so unfairly? Why are you implying they are all losers, in your estimation, and in need of some kind of outside resuscitation and urgent help?
You read one article that says college enrollment for men has dropped off slightly, and from that you jump to the illogical conclusion that all 18 year old men are in some sort of serious decline? Men in crisis! Men in crisis! Men in crisis!
In thread after thread you have bitched and moaned about the poor, powerless, downtrodden male, the victim, the "collateral damage" of women's equality, whose shattered sense of masculine power has left him without a proper place in the universe, and at a terrible disadvantage in the "war of the sexes".
Do you really believe that crap? When you're getting drunk with your buddies and having some "man talk" is that what you tell each other--is it one big pity party?
You are the one bashing men. You do it in this thread. You insult and put down any man who disagrees with you--as though their experience of being men carries no weight, because you're the only one with balls, the only one who sees the truth. And what's the truth? Women are always adversaries, enemies, and if men don't start wresting their power back fast, women will have them enslaved and (gasp, gasp} "feminized".
Fortunately, the average 18 year old today grew up in a world where women were already more equal. He has no reason to feel displaced or dislodged from his pinnacle of power and control. He has no reason to feel he is more entitled to prerogatives simply on the basis of his gender. He has no reason to feel that women have robbed him of something or are holding him back...unless he's grown up with a father like you who's tried to fill his head with that garbage.
And there is no reason this 18 year old shouldn't be as adventurous, or as determined, or as motivated, or as ambitious, or as hard working, as his grandfather was, because nothing in the world has changed since Grandpa's day that would limit his choices, or his potential, to follow whatever path he choses to find satisfaction and accomplishment. And that's how he'll express his sense of "self" rather than through some out-dated and confining notion of "masculinity".
Your "male bashing" will only make that 18 year old men feel inferior, because you're the one selling him short, telling him he's not keeping up with his female counterparts, making him feel inadequate. Give him self confidence to deal with challenges, tell him to always do his best, urge him to be responsible, and, caring, and considerate, and honest, and principled. That's what makes for a good and decent and mature person--an admirable man--and not playing some alleged proscribed "masculine role".