Thank you ladies and gentlemen, Cav and The Bear...we'll be here all week......try the veal and tip your waitesses......
I see the "white man keeping me down" argument a million times - true, untrue - my opinion wouldn't make a dent anyway. However, everytime I see the blame game going back and forth I do notice one glaring omission from it.
Change occurs from within - and that includes every single person involved.
Cav, a deadbeat is a deadbeat, regardless of color. People must live within whatever means they have. I've lent a considerable amount of money to employees, and no, race was never a factor. Stereotypes and generalizations become irrelevant when accessing individualsÂ… In my first post, I should have used the word prediction instead of assumption in relating to a new employees anticipated performance. I am not the one who uses the circular file mentioned. Does this clear anything up?
Sure does Bill. I would happen to concur.
it's the sad true but an inevitable one never the less. not all races are identical statistically. no group is. statistically speaking, more black men are good at basketball than white men. statistically speaking, as a percent of their respective population, more black men have been found guilty of murder and other crimes, probably atleast in part due to biases by the jury about blacks.
i recall reading of a psychology study conducted in pennsylvania. in it, it found that in the face of all other evidence being identical, a mock trial jury was SIGNIFICANTLY more likely to ignore possible alternative explanations and find a man guilty merely because he has a latino name as opposed to a white one.
this is where stereotypes, profiles, and statistics fail. a mature person must make the concious effort to ignore the inherent biases that our brains are inclined to, the shortcuts our brains are programmed to take in making generalizations based on a few examples and distrustign those different from us. we must make that concious effort out of fairness, knowing that every person deserves an equal chance to prove themselves, becasue every person in an individual with unique traits.
One final clarification cav; in business I choose money over most everything else. It would take an extrordinarily lucky person to succeed while doing otherwise. In marketing, your risk/reward ratio mandates this. In my personal life I am very charitable and will stand up for most any potential victim. In business, I'm out to make money. Period.
I do have a bias of my own when hiring staff. Being in high-end catering, the staff don't just have to have great skills, and a good personality. They have to be mondo good-looking too. That boosts repeat business a lot in my industry. Their race is unimportant.
Oops, that last one was more for ebrown than cav.
Cav, that must mean you have keep your ugly mug in the kitchen at all times, huh?
cav, your last one works both ways too. LOL An extroridinarily pretty women will dramatically reduce production within 20 ft of her. In business; you don't always have the luxury of being PC.
Pretty much Slappy, until they call for me to give praise and applause, and then puke up their food due to my Quasimodo-like appearance.

Actually, it's just for the after-party bonuses. Don't tell my wife.
Bill, actually, I happen to be one of those strange folks who can completely focus on the task at hand when a job needs to be done. When I'm in 'cooking mode', I'm pretty much a Vulcan.
I don't know how you do it...I did catering for a summer, it was hell.
Anyway, back to topic. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: There's only two things I can't stand in this world.
1) People who are intolerant of other people's cultures,
2) The Dutch.
I should clarify....I generally do small parties in people's homes, so it's most often myself and one or two servers, so that doesn't tend to be a problem.
Easy peasie, lemon squeezie...okay, I took it as my new sig.
I must admit to a complete ignorance of what it must be like to suffer the prejudice that the unattractive are subjected to.....
Bear, why, like you are actually interested in finding out?
Abercrombie is in the unenviable position of defending an approach that is indefensible in the face of a PC minded public. They are making decisions based on profits, which is somehow deplorable to the capitalist society they operate in. Ray Lewis is no better a football player than Zach Thomas, but he is in 5 times as many commercials. Why? Because the owners believe he'll sell more productsÂ… pure and simple. Do they not have the right to make that decision? They should.