Noah The African wrote:One cannot honesty talk about a solution without a consensus of agreement about what the problem is.
More complete bull. Your racial insults are not nearly as insulting as your complete disregard for logic while trying to assume a position of logical superiority.
Noah The African wrote: Until you all are willing to externalize or internalize the black socioeconomic gaps relative to whites, how can one honestly talk about a solution.
For starters you can give up the idiotic dualism and try a non-binary approach.
Noah The African wrote: If a person believes that these gaps are internal to black people, they will never external remedies as a viable solution.
They probably won't. Correct.
Quote: If one sees the gaps as being external, then they will never see an internal solution as being valid. Thus, the order of precedence is that a position on the nature of the problem must be taken, before one can genuinely entertain potential solutions.
This is where you delve into absurdity.
The choices are not "either/or".
Earlier someone (I believe it was Sugar) mentioned that it takes an effort from all. I agree.
I reject the notion that black poverty is due to genetics. I reject the equally absurd notion that black poverty is entirely externally sourced.
Quote: Thus, the question asked by JL is simply disingenuous and more filibuster to avoid taking a position on the cause of these problem, because of the fear of being or appearing racist.
This is one of those brainfarts that make no sense and just portray you as an angry, if not too intelligent, man.
Quote:I am not looking for whites to accept any responsibility. All I am looking for is the acknowledgment of truth.
Then you would do well to stop touting your brainfarts as truth.
Quote: Every action creates a reaction and thus, what has been the reaction upon blacks from oppression from white society?
One reaction is this type of idiotic drivel where you get up on a soap box and set aside a special time to make a fool out of yourself in public.
Quote: Only a dishonest person would try to deny this. You are more concerned about protecting whites from guilt, responsibility and recrimination, than you are concerned about truth and understanding.
You mistakenly assume you have "truth" to tout.
Quote:JL, furthermore, do not try to handle me.
LOL you sound like a little angry child.
Quote:Thus, when you chill out about being an amorphous, misnomer of an "American" than I will chill out about race.
No you won't. You'll continue to do a disservice to your race by your mental flatulence and you'll exacerbate this by a lack of basic social skills and unwarranted anger.