Sarah Palin the Sound and the Fury (Vanity Fair)

High Seas
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 04:13 am
Fido wrote:

High Seas wrote:

Fido wrote:

Our government is the enemy of the people for the sake of an empty idea, and those people who want to make government even more powerless to protect the people from slavery and exploitation are traitors...

The US Constitution is "an empty idea"? Read Federalist 51, if you can locate it. For the record, and since you appear to believe the US military is plotting a coup, I have never held any military rank. The inanity of any poster(s) alleging the contrary is evident from their incomprehensible signature lines.

As to unions, only 7% of the labor force is unionized - if their companies are still around and surviving on anything other than taxpayer subsidies, that is. 14 states already allow bidding by private companies on state assets (unionized, like the ports) and many of these bids will succeed. Debs died long ago.

Every single effective tool organized labor ever found was found unconstitional by the Supreme Court as going against property rights...

Jurisprudence isn't your strong point - from Bogni v. Perotti, decided in Massachusetts a century ago, to Ralph's Grocery v. UFCW, Local 8, decided in California a couple of months ago, the 14th Amendment was cited by the court. You obviously don't know what is says, would you like a link?

Alleging that the courts have been trying to impose "slavery and exploitation" and calling support for the constitution "treason" simply makes your statements every bit as absurd as those of the 2 posters utterly ridiculed earlier on this thread. Where do you get your "data", exactly?
High Seas
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 10:26 am
@High Seas,
P.S. (bold added)
Article XIV. 'Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.'
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 10:40 am
@High Seas,
HS wrote: For the record, and since you appear to believe the US military is plotting a coup, I have never held any military rank.

What has one to do with the other?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 03:19 pm
You do have a deep and interesting view of the world. Some of your assumptions seem a bit off to me. It doesn't appear to me that the people Palin appeals to have little. Usually they appear to have much. SUVs full of healthy children, plenty of food at drive thru windows, public parks for their Saturday soccer games, and the freedom to complain about the government that helps maintain these pleasures.

The "bums" they want out of our government were voted there by they, themselves.

I see them as just a disturbing but representative view of the greed of many Americans. They want less taxes, less help for other people, less government, but maintain the government spending in our district.

And, if they are in fear of bankruptcy, they likely have the less government, less regulation motivation of their own leaders to thank.
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 11:00 am
IRFRANK wrote:

You do have a deep and interesting view of the world. Some of your assumptions seem a bit off to me. It doesn't appear to me that the people Palin appeals to have little. Usually they appear to have much. SUVs full of healthy children, plenty of food at drive thru windows, public parks for their Saturday soccer games, and the freedom to complain about the government that helps maintain these pleasures.

The "bums" they want out of our government were voted there by they, themselves.

I see them as just a disturbing but representative view of the greed of many Americans. They want less taxes, less help for other people, less government, but maintain the government spending in our district.

And, if they are in fear of bankruptcy, they likely have the less government, less regulation motivation of their own leaders to thank.

I hope I did not give you the impression that they were rational, well educated, intelligent, sympathetic, or kind... They are frustrated and frightened, and there are plenty on the left hand who are in that same condition... There is a point to our division, that as long as we are divided the rich and the government can do as they please... Unity is a goal of the constitution, and one among several that has not been touched, let alone met... If they were not so out of it, and so well armed, and so accepting of violence, I might be there egging those people on just for the fun of it... Palin and company will not be happy until they incite those tea baggers to violence, and then they will act all innocent and unaware...
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 11:09 am
A recent poll shows that the majority of Americans do not want to tax the rich at a higher rate.

I guess it's okay with them to transfer the current deficits to our children and grandchildren.

Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 11:12 am
@cicerone imposter,
What's Glen Beck's position on this issue? He drives much of public opinion these days.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 11:15 am
I have no idea, because I don't listen to Glen Beck.
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 11:54 am
@cicerone imposter,
Me neither, which is why you and I don't agree with the majority of Americans on this issue.

Beck says "extending the Bush tax cuts costs nothing extra" If you really need to hear it from the horse's mouth
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 12:10 pm
Ah, beck! What a shill for the top 1% he is! Along with their enormous salaries, their tax loopholes and everything else that feathers their nests, they seem to think they are entitled to a tax break while the peons suffer to put food on the table . . . if they haven't sold the table to pay the mortgage.
0 Replies
High Seas
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 04:56 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

A recent poll shows that the majority of Americans do not want to tax the rich at a higher rate.

I guess it's okay with them to transfer the current deficits to our children and grandchildren.

Deficits are only the first derivative of the ballooning actuarial deficit: combined Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security now above $60 trillion.

The Chinese (holders of $2 trillion of our bonds) and the Japanese ($1 trillion of ditto) will not sit around forever while Fed Chairman Bernanke prints money like he's from Argentina, or maybe Zimbambwe. The children and grandchildren shouldn't have to pay - we got to clean up the messes we inherited going back to the treasonous Franklin Roosevelt, via his despicable successor Harry Truman, via another monstrous traitor, Lyndon Johnson. one political incompetent, Jimmy Carter, and the black clown now holding the office - promised everything to everyone, naturally can never deliver anything to anybody. Booting out all incumbents is way to go - get real people in office, and end gerrymandering!
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 05:32 pm
@High Seas,
HS, I'm afraid all of our politicians are created from the same cloth, and change will not come any time soon - even with a huge turnover in congress next month.

I'm really not sure where the solution lies, but our politics isn't the answer.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 05:38 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

A recent poll shows that the majority of Americans do not want to tax the rich at a higher rate.

I guess it's okay with them to transfer the current deficits to our children and grandchildren.

People admire the rich and wish they were... Would they want their wish if taxes added pressure to their fantasy??? Does anyone want their fantasy girl to have bad breath??? Does anyone want rain on their fantasy vacation??? It does not matter... The less the rich are taxed the more they will be, until, when they cannot be taxed, they will either be free by choice or slaves by default...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 05:48 pm
@High Seas,
High Seas wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:

A recent poll shows that the majority of Americans do not want to tax the rich at a higher rate.

I guess it's okay with them to transfer the current deficits to our children and grandchildren.

Deficits are only the first derivative of the ballooning actuarial deficit: combined Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security now above $60 trillion.

The Chinese (holders of $2 trillion of our bonds) and the Japanese ($1 trillion of ditto) will not sit around forever while Fed Chairman Bernanke prints money like he's from Argentina, or maybe Zimbambwe. The children and grandchildren shouldn't have to pay - we got to clean up the messes we inherited going back to the treasonous Franklin Roosevelt, via his despicable successor Harry Truman, via another monstrous traitor, Lyndon Johnson. one political incompetent, Jimmy Carter, and the black clown now holding the office - promised everything to everyone, naturally can never deliver anything to anybody. Booting out all incumbents is way to go - get real people in office, and end gerrymandering!

Since you propose the impossible; why not revolution... How about a new constitution... Consider, that the only way people can get elected dictator is to make promises, and the only way they can keep them is to get the economy to work and that is out of the question... We can produce more than we can use and more than we sell with only 20% of the people in actual production... All we need to do is get rid of the capitalists and their government and we can all get by on eight hours a week... It will take longer to train anyone for a job than they will have to put in through the course of a week... The choice is to try to live with what we have knowing it will corrupt any government we put in faster than we can change them...
High Seas
Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2010 05:40 am
Fido wrote:

Since you propose the impossible; why not revolution... How about a new constitution... Consider, that the only way people can get elected dictator...

Is there a theory behind this seemingly random tirade or do you come up with your terms by throwing darts at vintage Che Guevara posters?
Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2010 05:52 am
@High Seas,
High Seas wrote:

Fido wrote:

Since you propose the impossible; why not revolution... How about a new constitution... Consider, that the only way people can get elected dictator...

Is there a theory behind this seemingly random tirade or do you come up with your terms by throwing darts at vintage Che Guevara posters?
No president before Lincoln held so much power, and none after held so little as lincoln... It is by default... What the house has lost, the president has gained...Do you think any of it was intended by those who framed the constitution??? Do you think any of them thought we would still be dealing with the piece of **** they created -200 years later... Maybe you would like to wear two hundred year old underwear, or use two hundred year old toilet paper; as if that had to be fun... Two hundred year old representative government which is far less representative than those people in that age enjoyed by a huge margin does not get it... Tell me we do as good with one representative for every 600K as they did with one rep for every 30K and will call you stupid, a liar, or both... We have less democracy that they had because they left a loop hole...

We fought to exhaustion, one great civil war over property rights, which those who framed the constitution made all but certain, and property rights emerged from the civil war with even greater protection than before... We could correct our contitution if it were really within our power, but the government, once it is elected, is beyond our reach, and they surround themselves with privilage and protection and influence money because they know they are acting against the common will...The parties stand between us an our government, and the changes to the house of representatives outside of the constitution where their doing... Palin's flunkies are no less unhappy at the quality and direction of the government than anyone else... Everyone has a different solution, but everyone knows we have the same problem... Government does not work...

You should consider that there would never be a need for revolution or revolutionaries if people could force their old forms to work... Jefferson had formal consciousness, and said as much in the declaration of independence... And yet, though we fear to step into the dark room of the future, the whole history of human kind has been the story of changing forms...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2010 06:14 am
the revelation will not be televised

the revolution will just keep going 'round and 'round

the restitution will be an IOU*

*valid for one pound of government cheese, when normal service reumes
Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2010 06:39 am
djjd62 wrote:

the revelation will not be televised

the revolution will just keep going 'round and 'round

the restitution will be an IOU*

*valid for one pound of government cheese, when normal service reumes

Life is change... Small change...And short change...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Oct, 2010 08:14 am
I guess what passes over the heads of some of our posters is the rest of the passage that Vanity Fair used:

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
Reply Tue 26 Oct, 2010 10:15 am
plainoldme wrote:

I guess what passes over the heads of some of our posters is the rest of the passage that Vanity Fair used:

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
A poor player, that... And like all idiots, thinks she is smarter than... You have to be halfways intelligent to realize knowledge as a group effort.....
0 Replies

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