Sarah Palin the Sound and the Fury (Vanity Fair)

Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 08:41 am
dyslexia wrote:

georgeob1 wrote:

This sounds a bit like a dialogue from the Miniver Cheevy household.
and here I was thinking of Richard Cory.

Dog got chore tongues???
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 09:09 am
Miniver Cheevy, child of scorn,
Grew lean while he assailed the seasons;
He wept that he was ever born,
And he had reasons.
Miniver loved the days of old
When swords were bright and steeds were prancing;
The vision of a warrior bold
Would set him dancing.
Miniver sighed for what was not,
And dreamed, and rested from his labors;
He dreamed of Thebes and Camelot,
And Priam's neighbors.
Miniver mourned the ripe renown
That made so many a name so fragrant;
He mourned Romance, now on the town,
And Art, a vagrant.
Miniver loved the Medici,
Albeit he had never seen one;
He would have sinned incessantly
Could he have been one.
Miniver cursed the commonplace
And eyed a khaki suit with loathing;
He missed the mediaeval grace
Of iron clothing.
Miniver scorned the gold he sought,
But sore annoyed was he without it;
Miniver thought, and thought, and thought,
And thought about it.
Miniver Cheevy, born too late,
Scratched his head and kept on thinking;
Miniver coughed, and called it fate,
And kept on drinking.
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 09:12 am
Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
"Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich, richer than a king,
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.

So on we worked, and waited for the light,
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head.
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 09:26 am
Never repeat rubish.
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 10:04 am
I hold not romantic notions of human kind, and do not think on class of people or people in any time better than in any others... We all have the lives we live and no other... I doubt it when people say the truth hurts because ignorance has caused far more pain than truth.... I wonder at the nature of such people because I have often found that such people only tell the truth that will hurt and so justify the little wisdom they conceal...People in all ages have suffered their envy and avarice... Nothing should be equitable because people are not equal, and yet, no one should justify a form, an economic system that takes the pleasure of one out of the necessities of many... We could reward talent and innovation without making a hereditary hierarchal society like we have...Hereditary monarchy never brought out the best in men, nor the best in government, so why should we accept that in our economy, that the worthy father has the worthy child, and that wealth should always ruin one class while wrecking the other... Rich people are no more happy than poor, and the rich will not support the country that the poor cannot support out of poverty...If things do not change, the frustration Palin plays on, and rides to wealth will spill over into a fury like no one alive has ever seen... The rich don't need Palin, but they thrive on division... Those people palin appeals to, have little, and live in fear of losing the rest because they know that without property, civil rights mean nothing.... That whole crew does not want to become part of the class they have so long detested who have no hope but that their outreached hand will be filled with enough necessities to survive....Behind the hate and anger of the tea baggers is the fear of a class struggling to hold on, one step away from bankruptcy, and total demoralization...
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 05:49 pm
Never repeat rubish

Repeat rubbish? What? Cut and paste two poems that were misrepresented here is repeating rubbish? ARe you out of your mind?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 05:54 pm
I read half of the first sentence and decided that you are out of your mind. I refuse to read the rest of your post.

Listen, georgeob (I think) said something about the exchange here resembling Miniver Cheevy and someone (perhaps cicerone imposter) replied that he was thinking Richard Cory.

Then, there appeared two fragments of each poem, or, what I supposed to be fragments of each which were incorrect. They are probably satires on the poems.

Anyway, I thought it would be helpful to post the poems in their entirety. Why that offends you is anyone's guess but, let me clue thee in, no one is interested in finding out.

If you are not old enough to follow a thread, perhaps, you should go out more.
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 05:56 pm
Alright, so it wasn't cicerone but dyslexia.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 09:20 pm
plainoldme wrote:

I read half of the first sentence and decided that you are out of your mind. I refuse to read the rest of your post.

Listen, georgeob (I think) said something about the exchange here resembling Miniver Cheevy and someone (perhaps cicerone imposter) replied that he was thinking Richard Cory.

Then, there appeared two fragments of each poem, or, what I supposed to be fragments of each which were incorrect. They are probably satires on the poems.

Anyway, I thought it would be helpful to post the poems in their entirety. Why that offends you is anyone's guess but, let me clue thee in, no one is interested in finding out.

If you are not old enough to follow a thread, perhaps, you should go out more.

The satires were mine, but the originals attacking the romantic notions people hold, of the past in one instance and of easy lives of wealth in the other were and are rubbish... They are not good poetry, and what they say could be said in a sentence, so the poet in each case was simple, and they make humanity look simple and stupid... What is not simple is the fact that rich people cannot undo the damage they do with a suicide, and people should not allow themselves the thought that others have or ever had life so much better than themselves.... The real tragedy of wealth as we have it in this land is that the misery and deprivation that makes wealth possible does not buy happiness, or any pure joy for the pain the accumulation of wealth causes...The romantic notion of wealth that is truely dangerous is that some good comes out of it... Did any good come out of wealth in ancient Greece or Rome??? Wealth demoralized and destroyed their societies, and who do we emulate but them???...

Admiration and envy are the smallest part of the problem of wealth... Our religions justify wealth even while across the board wealth is the mother or misery, sin, and death... The average man cannot connect the wealth which is thought good with the pain which is thought evil...Cain killed Able because of the devil at his door... I do not expect that the romantic notion of wealth will evaporate... I do think duvh envy pushes people beyond their natural limits, into a madness of as if, or what if, and if only... The rich are rich because the poor are poor... What would you do with a million dollars??? What if you won the lottery??? It will not ever happen,... But every moment people spend hating their own miserable lives which is the only life they will every have the more they feel cheated by life and they should not... The easy and simple solution is socialism, and it would not have to be prtfect or complete... One must assume that if all other things were equal, that some people would find another excuse to be envious...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 09:22 pm
I am 57, very close to 58, and if that is not old enough I will have to try dropping dead...
0 Replies
High Seas
Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2010 01:11 pm
Fido wrote:

Behind the hate and anger of the tea baggers is the fear of a class struggling to hold on, one step away from bankruptcy, and total demoralization...

Total demoralization is to be seen on the liberal / progressive wing of the Democratic party - not the Tea Party. For good reason:
Whether members have read much or little of The Federalist, the tea party movement's focus on keeping government within bounds and answerable to the people reflects the devotion to limited government embodied in the Constitution.

Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2010 01:19 pm
@High Seas,
Whether members have read much or little of The Federalist, the tea party movement's focus on keeping government within bounds and answerable to the people reflects the devotion to limited government embodied in the Constitution.

Again, with this inane argument. Good luck with that. Like the government of the USA has ever been limited.

Fight the good fight there, Lt Col Flagg.
Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2010 01:31 pm
JTT wrote:

Whether members have read much or little of The Federalist, the tea party movement's focus on keeping government within bounds and answerable to the people reflects the devotion to limited government embodied in the Constitution.

Again, with this inane argument. Good luck with that. Like the government of the USA has ever been limited.

Fight the good fight there, Lt Col Flagg.
Why should government be limited in any sense that is not warranted??? The government has set before it several goals, all of them good, and until those goals are achieved government should be off its butt and going after them... Limited government is not one of those goals, but government was naturally limited in the pursuit of those goals by the form it was given, and the extra contitutional changes made without the consent of the people have made the form even worse, and more crippled in the pursuit of its good goals... Government has never been limited in its constraint of the people in their pursuit of the goals that government should itself pursue, that it was formed to pursue... It has not the goal before it of supporting free enterprise; but so enterprise can remain free the people are chained, and forced to live with cruelty and insecurity...Goverment should be forced to remember the purposes, clearly stated for which it was created...

Let me give you an example: People form labor unions and pay for the privilage of membership... Why??? Is it for fun??? Is it to suffer another layer of impediment and politics in ones life??? NO! People form unions for the very reason our nation was formed, to achieve justice, for union, for liberty, general welfare, defense, and even tranquility... Why should they have to do what the nation was formed to do for all its members??? And rather than the government conceding that a need exists for those goods unions seek, they place every sort of impediment in the way of the unions... Our government is the enemy of the people for the sake of an empty idea, and those people who want to make government even more powerless to protect the people from slavery and exploitation are traitors...
Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2010 02:02 pm
JTT wrote:
Fight the good fight there, Lt Col Flagg.

Very Happy Laughing Very Happy
0 Replies
High Seas
Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2010 03:58 pm
Fido wrote:

Our government is the enemy of the people for the sake of an empty idea, and those people who want to make government even more powerless to protect the people from slavery and exploitation are traitors...

The US Constitution is "an empty idea"? Read Federalist 51, if you can locate it. For the record, and since you appear to believe the US military is plotting a coup, I have never held any military rank. The inanity of any poster(s) alleging the contrary is evident from their incomprehensible signature lines.

As to unions, only 7% of the labor force is unionized - if their companies are still around and surviving on anything other than taxpayer subsidies, that is. 14 states already allow bidding by private companies on state assets (unionized, like the ports) and many of these bids will succeed. Debs died long ago.
High Seas
Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2010 04:12 pm
Addressing JTT, whom I don't read, from earlier on this thread, this is a post from page 4 - very, very, instructive, and not only on JTT:

georgeob1 wrote:

Awkward and silly. You are tripping over your own arguments.
Enough, however. I've made my point.

This thread is like the newly fashionable vampire movies - posters who have been consistently ignored and/or completely ridiculed as terminal loons rise up from their unfortunately shallow-dug graves. What next - call David to locate a reliable supplier of sterling silver bullets, or call Farmerman to advise where to buy sharpened wooden stakes?! I hope Thomas shows up to explain the proper anti-vampire technique - preferably without lots of garlic Smile
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2010 04:14 pm
@High Seas,
Unfortunately, many government employees work under the union label. They've been promised all kinds of retirement benefits that are now causing major problems at all levels of government. Many will collect their pensions and health care for longer than they've worked - while many American workers have been laid off their jobs and lost their homes. Talk about a cock-eyed world, we're now living in one.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2010 04:23 pm
@High Seas,
High Seas wrote:

Fido wrote:

Our government is the enemy of the people for the sake of an empty idea, and those people who want to make government even more powerless to protect the people from slavery and exploitation are traitors...

The US Constitution is "an empty idea"? Read Federalist 51, if you can locate it. For the record, and since you appear to believe the US military is plotting a coup, I have never held any military rank. The inanity of any poster(s) alleging the contrary is evident from their incomprehensible signature lines.

As to unions, only 7% of the labor force is unionized - if their companies are still around and surviving on anything other than taxpayer subsidies, that is. 14 states already allow bidding by private companies on state assets (unionized, like the ports) and many of these bids will succeed. Debs died long ago.

The empty idea for which the contitution is perverted is the free enterprise system which does not even receive mention in the constitution, but which takes precidence over all human needs and rights... They all take for granted that what is good for general motors is good for the people, but it is all beside the point... The preamble clearly states the purpose of the constitution, and if a round about way is taken toward those goods, then some one should make the rational argument to the people that they are in fact good, and a way of reaching those goods for which government was formed, and some one should fact check, and see if good, and not evil is coming out of free eneterprise... No one in government, and few outside of government wants to compare what we have with what was the goal of our government and constitution... The constitution has failed, but it has not failed because its goals were bad, or were beyond our reach... They constitution failed because people having power wanted to use it, and use it still, to get more power, and more money out of it...It means something to some people, and it is that very meaning that is used up to give to a few power and wealth, and when the meaning is gone we can all start over, and we will be better off if we start today...I do not rely on the constitution, and I do not count on it for protection at all... I would trash it all but for the goals because the ends are good, but the means have been perverted...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2010 04:26 pm
@High Seas,
High Seas wrote:

Fido wrote:

Our government is the enemy of the people for the sake of an empty idea, and those people who want to make government even more powerless to protect the people from slavery and exploitation are traitors...

The US Constitution is "an empty idea"? Read Federalist 51, if you can locate it. For the record, and since you appear to believe the US military is plotting a coup, I have never held any military rank. The inanity of any poster(s) alleging the contrary is evident from their incomprehensible signature lines.

As to unions, only 7% of the labor force is unionized - if their companies are still around and surviving on anything other than taxpayer subsidies, that is. 14 states already allow bidding by private companies on state assets (unionized, like the ports) and many of these bids will succeed. Debs died long ago.

Every single effective tool organized labor ever found was found unconstitional by the Supreme Court as going against property rights... Property rights are no rights at all, and people clearly give rights to property at the sacrifice of their civil rights... Property is a privilage, and treating it as a right demeans the concept of rights...
Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2010 04:34 pm
@High Seas,
Addressing, High Seas, [who I do read because I have a deep aversion to people who spout bullshit with the regularity that it issues from her mouth], you are a fabricator of the highest order and when you get smacked for it, you play this childish game that you don't read so and so so you don't have to face your shortcomings.

Don't read this either, you genuine piece of mendacity.
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