plainoldme wrote:
I hate to say this, fido, but Americans are afraid of the intelligent and the weird support bush II received . . ."he's the sort of guy whose lawn mower you would want to borrow" . . . shows how stupid we are.
That stupidity came to Massachusetts when scott brown campaigned solely on the basis of owning a truck. The truck as campaign prop hid the fact that he and his wife own five houses.
Who in the hell needs five houses?
The press should have been on that fraud prior to the election so that people who were and are losing their homes would rage against the machine politician.
We need this sort of freedom of the press, the sort we practice here, communicating with all comers... We need the sort of individual freedom that allows for religious belief... But freedom of religion and freedom of press are misplaced in this country...It is all corporate... The religions are all corporate... They do not preserve our freedoms with theirs... Their freedom comes at the expense of ours... In the little capital city of Lansing where I make my home, the local journal is never critical of government except in the most obligatory and offhanded matter, as though uninvolved... Well, they are corporate, and they take their orders from on high, and they will not screw up their access to government from which all good stories come just to look at what really is going on, and reporting it...They will not make friends of the people -who are to them a fickle mob to lose the congenial relationship with the powerful, with their bread and their butter in hand... It goes national... I tried to get letters in before the Iraq and Afghan wars critical of what was obviously going to happen... Like journalists everywhere, they look for easy money, and wars are easy money... They did not oppose it... They did not use their better judgement. They posted letters for and against, being balanced and fair without the consideration due to the subject, because a lot of Republicans buy papers... They waved the flag while idiots led us to war... What is the point of having them around to take up space and rights if they do not use their brains and educations to educate the people???
It is one of the goods we should expect from government that they will educate us, but because we are essentially powerless we are more often miseducated by government, so we cannot make informed decisions, and the press only helps in that... The churches are even worse, actively encouraging and feeding the irrationality of the people, praying for God's help to solve the problems governemnt should solve, asking for luck, when there is no better word for it to avoid problems government could be certain to avoid if it were possible for government to be rational, and if the forces of unreason were not fed rights and powers by the government... It is insane...