All religions are not the same. They all believe in a god but there is the question of answering which god do they believe in.
I believe in the God that stood up to the plate and said mankind is mine and I love them all. You have rejected me even though I gave you this wonderful world and universe. I have given you everything you have since the day I created you. But now I want you back under my wings so I can shelter you like I wanted to. Because I love you. I planned on giving you everything to make you completely happy with yourself and happy with the reason I created you. I am God, I will have no other gods before me. I knew you once in Heaven where your spirit was with mine. Some felt they did not need to follow even then. I let you go. Here again is your chance to rule yourself. But do not look to me for the promises I promised the ones who love me. Eternal life is only for those who love and me and want to be with me in Heaven. The mind of a child grasps this fact. I gave you a mind to see me and hear me and feel me, I touch you daily, I roam the earth looking who to help who wants me to intervene because they have no other source that will help them and I will be there because they WANT me.
Fine... make your own future, make your own life, make your own grave, make your own resurrection from that grave, believe another god who tells you he can get you out of that grave, I will be waiting for all eternity to see that.

(God laughs)