satt_focusable wrote:Once there was no law. Then law emerged and the law was god. The law was also love when revealed in humans..
Not to quibble, but to expound on what you have said. I believe you
are correct in your statements. Since I am with you, would you go
as far as to also say that the Law of God was given to humans to show
that they were incapable of keeping it and needed God's grace? That
the Law that was also revealed in humans as love would be the "agape"
God kind of unconditional love and not "philo" the conditional human
kind of love? That the Law of God emerged after humans fell from His initial grace they first enjoyed? That keeping the Law only covered the
wrongs that humans did by disobeying the Law? To institute the grace
again, humans needed something that would fulfill the Law for them without doing away with it? To give God a way to blot out the wrongs
against the Law rather than just covering them? A substitute to stand
in the gap for humans that would embrace the substitute? Humans would
no longer have to struggle with keeping the Law which had proved
impossible to do from mere human effort? At the point where a substitute
took the place of the Law, God could work with humans from the inside
out instead of from the outside in as He had to do as long as they were
under the Law? Humans could then enjoy the "agape" knid of love
inside of them to strenghten their "philo" kind of love? Just asking.