Ruach wrote:And the quote by zgreatest was not stupid.....
"Proverbs 26:4
Answer not a fool according to his folly. lest
you also be like him."
And the quote by craven was not stupid.....
"Proverbs 26:5 Answer a fool according to his folly."
But my quote is stupid .......
" Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returneth to his VOMIT, so a fool returneth to his folly."
Actually I did not see the context in which you posted Proverbs 26:11, so
I don't know what you mean by it being stupid. I had posted Proverbs 26:4, with tongue in cheek, as I was referring to my own folly. For that reason I did not see any reason to split hairs with Craven when he did not include all of Proverbs 25:5 in his post; for whatever reason. The Amplified Bible expounds on the Hebrew meaning of verse 5.
Proverbs 26:5
"Answer a [self-confident] fool according to his folly, lest he be
wise in his own eyes and conceit."
If I seemed self-confident or wise in my own eyes and conceit to use this
verse 4 the way I did, you judge. It was not my intention to use verse
4 for anything but a little humor. Again, no intention to split hairs here,
but only to offer a little clarification since you quoted the verses again
and Steve had mentioned that "Craven might be own to something." and
he didn't have his Bible at hand. ( is a handy source)