exotic languages are the coolest
Hmm... What makes a language exotic? I speak natively a language which doesn't have much relative languages, but it has a bit over 5 million speakers worldwide. It's Finnish, of course spoken in Finland. Does it count if I can understand an exotic language? I can understand a bit Inkeroinen and Carelian
And Estonian.
In addition, I study Japanese which is sometimes (rarely) amusingly similar to Finnish. Here's an example: there's this Japanese word 'iie'. The word with same meaning in Finnish is 'ei'. That's 'no' in English. And for that I know how to make English-speakers say no in Finnish, I'll teach you. Just say the vowel 'a'. Finnish pronunciation is somehow very hard for foreigners, and they are too amused by our words, which might contain several same letters behind each other. I was studying also Klingon, but can't remember anything but a few words in it. Another Star Trek languge is Vulcan, and I know one sentence in it: "tich tor ang tesmur" being the well known "live long and prosper"...
As there has been discussion about Icelandic, I want to say my view on this: being able to speak Swedish, Icelandic sounds similar, and as I read the Icelandic lord's prayer posted by mezzie, I was happy to realize that I could translate most words to Swedish, thinking about how the Finnish one goes. For someone who's interested, here's Lord's prayer in Finnish:
Isä Meidän, joka olet taivaissa.
Pyhitetty olkoon sinun nimesi.
Tulkoon sinun valtakuntasi.
Tapahtukoon sinun tahtosi,
myös maan päällä
niin kuin taivaassa.
Anne meille tänä päivänä
jokapäiväinen leipämme.
Ja anna meille velkamme anteeksi,
niin kuin mekin annamme anteeksi
niille, jotka ovat meitä vastaan rikkoneet.
Äläkä saata meitä kiusaukseen,
vaan päästä meidät pahasta.
Sillä sinun on valtakunta, ja voima,
ja kunnia. Iankaikkisesti aamen.
I find it amusing that Finnish is a language, where there's no such thing as 'the longest word' -- you can always add some suffix or prefix to the word to make it longer; I'll form one for you: ylihuomennakinköhän.
Well, wasn't that long, but note that I just made it up. Once a finlandsswedish girl said to me how she wondered how any finn can invent a new word, and then say it to any other finn, and he'll be understood. As I realized that that's not so common, I felt special.
Well, that's more than enough about Finnish, and me.
So long.
Kiitos ja näkemiin.