i just found this, and sent him this email...
Dear Stephenson,
I read (with some interest) an article you have written online about homosexuality in relationships - specifically male homosexuality in marriage. It is hard to know if you are being serious or if this is a joke article.
If it is serious - then may i reccomend replacing the word heterosexual withthe word homosexual in the first paragraph :
'Your spouse may have been experimenting with the "gay" lifestyle even before you met. Maybe he’s just using you as unwitting cover as he seeks playmates in the heterosexual world'
Also, having read the article carefully may i recommend employing the use of a proof reader or spell-checker.
Whilst i cannot argue with the main symposium of your article (i.e. these marriages do exist), i would like to take issue with your reasoning on several issues (nearly all of them) regarding the 'typical' gay male. Moving hands whilst conversing is NOT a sign of homosexuality, not everyone that goes to big cities ('or Asia') regularly is gay! Tight shirts and pride in your appearance is nothing to be ashamed of, and does not make you gay!
I read through and made a list of the 'obvious signs' you mention, and unless ALL of my friends are gay (which they are not) then you're opinion is very far off the mark. However, i did note with some interest that you are a 'Motivational Children's Party Entertainer and Antique Soda Bottle Collector' - Hanging around with groups of children and collecting useless old junk - sure signs of peadophillia and homosexuality. Methinks sir protesteth too much?
Anyhow, i'm fairly certain this email will have made you quite angry so i await your (inevitably) Christian and forgiving reply.
Pity me, not for my homosexuality (i am straight by the way) but for my obvious stupidity in the face of overwhelming evidence that to be a 'real man' i must never, ever look at my buttocks in a mirror again.
Yours in Christ,
Rodger Nash (BSc)
too far?