Zetherin wrote:
Was your point that Muslims are inherently radical, or just that Fido did mean that Muslims are radical?
We call ourselves Christians and talk about peace on earth and are the largest exporter of war materials and war itself, much of which is made on Islam... In the practice of our predominant religion we are lackluster and deficient, for the most part hypocritical, expecting our neighbors to be better than we, when we cannot be good, and generally worshipping all material things before our God as no self respecting Muslim would do... Such people are bound to seem to be radicals and zealots, but such behavior, in a sense, has been forced on them... As I said, With Lawrence In Arabia, by Lowell Thomas, written shortly after the end of the first world war gives prominent mention to the ultra extreme Wahabis from which Bin Ladin came years later... These peoples reaction to Europeans trampling all over the land of the prophet was in no sense unusual for them, and it played a huge part in the declaration of war made my Bin Ladin... And I make no claim to understanding these people, but I know, as is stated in the Art of War, that if you do not understand your enemy you have at most, a 50/50 chance of beating him, and the thought of beating a billion and a half people is ridiculous to begin with...
And for what, when we have more in common with these Muslims than with the Jews, or any group of pagans with whom we are surrounded... The simple fact is that their religion works for them as ours does not work for us... We have moved beyond religion without troubling to inform the ignorant out of an undesrved respect... The Christians are forever meddling in the affairs of government and state which should be the place where reason rules, and where faith now dominates... Government should work for all the people, bring justice to all, and the Christians are incapable of grasping that quasi concept except through the medium of another Quasi concept called Gad...
Is it too much to ask, that if you have faith in God to trust in your faith and not forever seek power over others??? Those who seek religious freedom should give freedom of religion which is freedom of thought to all, and that means allowing those who want to make government work -the freedom to do so...The damned Christians will destroy this country because they do not have the nads to hold to their faith, but like all hypocrits condem the rightious, and abuse the virtuous to have what is theirs, and to have a power they are in no sense entitled to... Be free to practice religion, but pay for the right to participate in government as others... Leave your prejudices at the door... Lay your treasure in the common heap, and defend it with everyone in the common wealth...
I have more in common with the most miserable and poor Muslim than I do with the most wealthy of Christians... The problem with Christians most clearly stated is that they make their God small, and the Muslims make their God large...The Christian God, demanding sacrifice and faith of little worth is no better than some pagan diety further removed from the earth... The sight of Abraham bargaining with God, or Jacob wrestling with God is reproduced every day in America on a vast acale... In the end, god is tossed back into the toy box with all the other fetishes that have lost their charm, and we begin to worship our true gods of wealth and power...