Ragman wrote:
I also hear that those of us who are prone to hemorrhoids and other rectal tissue issues, need to drink more water...equiv. to 6-8 glasses per day.
Also, there are those toilet tissues that have allergy-producing dyes and perfumes which can cause tissue issues. Getting toilet tissue that have no dyes or perfumes is indicated.
goat yogurt.
I'm starting to think goat yogurt cures everything.
Eaten that is, not sat in.
However, ahem, since we're on the subject.......yeast infections.....
I'm not prone to them, didn't even know what one was.
Until I went to college in hot steamy south florida.
It happened on a Saturday, no doctors open.
My roommate gave me a container on dannon yogurt and told me what to do.
It was a mess, but it kept me from ripping my genitals off until I could get to the doctor on Monday.
Anyway, I'd developed acid reflux, and have found myself taking an OTC med every day.
That is, until I started eating goat yogurt.
I can't drink cow products. I'll say no more.
roland loves the goat yogurt too. I'll bet it's good for his kitty tummy. otis won't touch it.
I actually made goat yogurt this weekend. It's so freaking hot here I just put it out on the front porch all day. It's pretty runny. I'll try some when I get home.