Is it actually possible to have good sex with a man with a small penis?

Wed 20 Oct, 2010 03:46 pm
We still aren't getting this communication right are we? I was joking about the penis enlargement Surprised Or maybe you are now?

I don't think I'm overly literal, but I've often thought that Aspergers is not an on/off thing but a continuum and everyone has greater or lesser Aspergers tendencies.

You're right the Freud nazi thing was ridiculous - but welcome to A2K - I'd fully expect someone to posit that as a serious proposal, thus the gentle wack.

And apparently I don't have to try to be a jerk - I'm a natural Wink
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Wed 20 Oct, 2010 04:23 pm
Thanks for the welcome, I don't post often but I have been here since 2002. Lets just be pals, I come from a long line of Irish smart-asses and sometimes I see humor in silly comments. Aspergers is a all the time thing for people, but it ranges from crippling to very high functioning. I really did misunderstand you asking several times for sources about proving Freud was a Nazi, and I re-read your penis enlargement post and thankfully I was right you were joking. So lets us just be fellow jerks, and I will stop worrying about making jokes on A2K. Peace
Wed 20 Oct, 2010 04:36 pm
I've just realised why I took agin ya, and why I assumed you weren't joking. Your first post on this thread didn't sound like a joke:
After going thru all this nonsense, I have decided the Queen is the biggest dick on the page, and that should keep her happy and hopefully quiet. And the last tidbit she shared (just between her and the whole world) is her new partner is a boy and that's working out well? Whewwww, at least I'll be able to sleep tonight.

(sarcasm is the etc) And having defended Queenie's right to ask the question to others I put you in the nasty nutty box - then the Freud thing confirmed it. I'm still making excuses for assuming you were a nutjob. I think I'm 4/10 on the Aspergers scale.
Wed 20 Oct, 2010 07:22 pm
hinge Laughing

I was about to tell glitterbag to pull her head it - we librarians don't like to be told how to suck eggs in our own area.

But, well done!
(and no mention of the drongo word!)
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Wed 20 Oct, 2010 07:30 pm
I forgot her avator but where is Mad-something with the former Abuzz Roost?
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Wed 20 Oct, 2010 08:01 pm
Nice work CJ - bought back memories. Montana, Lord Ellpus, najmelliw, fishin, Onyxelle - even CJHSA. Have to go the the A2K MIA thread now...
Wed 20 Oct, 2010 08:22 pm
Yeah hinge, every time I come across a post of Ellpus, I feel sad. Some people
leave and it never makes a dent, others you never forget *sigh*
0 Replies
Wed 20 Oct, 2010 08:30 pm
Somebody else told me I was out of line for finding the topic less than savory. OK, it's true, I'm an aquired taste, but I am going nuts with the details of everybody and their uncle clicking off intimate details like they were talking about baking a cake. But hey, it's still a free country, you can ask anything you want and if other people think they want to contribute they should.

I find it interesting that people won't ask you how much you make in a year (because what kind of jerk asks personal questions like that) but then to ask people if they have actually ever had good sex with a man with a small penis, all of a sudden that makes them intellectually curious?

I think we are seeing the effects of living life outloud with no idea of consequences. I'm not speaking from any religious viewpoint to censor others, but sometimes things have a way of coming back to bite you in the butt. What seems cute and sassy right now, might be embarrassing to explain to your grandchildren. I think I mentioned you never hear anyone (well at least I haven't) say things like, Oh my mom married Dad because he has a huge shlong, or little girls bragging about whose brother has a bigger you know what. I said before, but I will repeat that it is demeaning to discuss men as if they only thing they contributed worthwhile was the size of their member or the size of their paycheck. Lets just say I don't much like male-bashing.

Now on the other hand, I actually had two librarians up in arms over wikipedia???? Please tell me your kidding. Seriously, please tell me you are kidding.

Wed 20 Oct, 2010 08:37 pm
glitterbag, you seem to forget that not only puritan Americans write here.
Percentacle Queen is from England where these topics are discussed more freely than in the U.S. hingehead is Australian and I happen to be German - none of us see anything wrong with discussing it.

Where else to ask a question about sex then anonymously on the internet?
Wed 20 Oct, 2010 08:54 pm
I think we are seeing the effects of living life outloud with no idea of consequences. I'm not speaking from any religious viewpoint to censor others, but sometimes things have a way of coming back to bite you in the butt

you are old, the proper response is "get over it"

In case you're not the sort of reader who clicks on links headlined "At Least One Candidate for Congress Has Fellated a Reindeer Nose,": Krystal Ball is a 28-year-old Virginia Democrat running for Congress in a very Republican district. She found herself suddenly in the national spotlight when a right-wing blog published six- or seven-year-old photos of Ball dressed as sexy Santa, performing the aforementioned act on a dildo affixed to her antler-wearing then-husband's nose.

National sites like Gawker racked up hundreds of thousands of pageviews by republishing the photos. That, combined with her seriously? name quickly made Ball a punch line. But instead of backing away red-faced, Ball took umbrage: She fired back with a statement that was not only unapologetic but defiant. Soon it morphed into a manifesto of Facebook-generation feminism: "Society has to accept that women of my generation have sexual lives that are going to leak into the public sphere.

I will repeat that it is demeaning to discuss men as if they only thing they contributed worthwhile was the size of their member or the size of their paycheck. Lets just say I don't much like male-bashing.

However, since this is how men measure each other your demeaning of dick and wallet measuring is in fact demeaning the ways of men. You expect men to play by women's rules, and some of us are not interested.
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Wed 20 Oct, 2010 09:19 pm
Wow Glitt - your DoD mindset is showing. This is A2K. Response is voluntary, no-one is forcing you to answer the question, or pay attention to other answers. A big part of A2K's point is to enable you to ask the questions you can't ask your circle of acquaintances. I wouldn't be up in arms if someone asked the 'how much do you earn' question on A2K, probably it's the best place to ask it.

You do raise an valid point, about living out loud, but I don't think it has much relevance on A2K as we have a fair bit anonymity if we choose - Facebook on the other hand is a different story. I wonder if we are moving to a future where privacy no longer exists as we've known it. And whether growing up in a world with no privacy means you have no expectation of it or fear of losing it. Which kind of makes me think it would be like living with a real God (i.e. someone would always be watching and know what you're doing and thinking). I have no idea whether that's would be better or worse, objectively. Could shame be on the endangered species list?

Finally on wikipedia. I'm not up in arms. You attacked my source, I defended it. It's a well researched topic in academic circles (see list of peer-reviewed articles). What sort of librarians do you hang around with? We teach students to evaluate information whatever the source. If you are going to dismiss wikipedia you may as well dismiss google which has virtually no content quality control mechanisms.

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Thu 21 Oct, 2010 01:11 pm
Well..... call me a puritan, but this is exactly how crap starts. People with little understanding, perhaps only assumptions about cultural norms across the globe find one thing normal and someone else finds it intrusive. Young people in the U.S. are learning that sharing pictures (Facebook) of themselves in pictures they once considered hilarious or proving just what a big party animal they are, are finding college admissions offices and occassionally employment opportunities suddenly become unavailable. I can't remember what state this particular politician is from, but he recently ran afoul of some voters for dressing up in an SS uniform so he and his son could play war-games. He belonged to this club he claims until his son tired of it....it's a sore spot and few people are willing to make excuses for him. I'd be willing to bet most Americans had no idea that there were actually people dressing up as Nazi's to play war games.

If I remember correctly, Prince Harry got into a snot-storm over dressing up as a Nazi for a Halloween party. Maybe you are right about a DOD background, it does make you think of things differently. I'm probably the only one on my block who noticed the report last week of Russia helping Venezuala built a nuclear 'power' plant....I haven't heard anybody discuss the newspaper report several years ago that Russia had resumed their LRA flights over NATO territory. But everyone here seems to have an opinion of Brett Favre.

Some folks overseas seem to assume Americans are sex crazed superficials only worried about important things like 'American Idol', and there is another bunch that thinks we are uptight puritans, Jerry Falwell or Rush Limbaugh followers. Not to belabour the point, but I didn't know where any of you were before you mentioned it. A lot of the things being discussed here, remind me of 'Access Hollywood' or 'Entertainment Tonight', I sincerely apologize if those shows have been exported to the countrys' you live in.

But on the plus side, I have had a blast sharing the Sigmund Freud/Nazi connection dust-up I inadvertently started. On the plus, plus side, everyone (excluding at least the 3 members) including me thought I was talking to other Americans. That just might give you an idea of what my America thinks of it's educational system. I hear people quoting Glenn Beck like he's a frigging prophet.....uh ho!!!! Crap if his people find out about this, brace yourselves, there will be a big hue and cry from his followeres claiming Freud was the Father of the Nazi Party.
Thu 21 Oct, 2010 01:23 pm
I just noticed Maggincat was in Seattlebuzz.
Thu 21 Oct, 2010 01:54 pm
Thanks72000, I haven't seen anything from her in a long time I'll check it out.

Oh this is entirely off topic but my cousin in Fla. sent this to me today and it's embarassing because I live less than 10-15 minutes from the Naval Academy and HE was the one who saw the half time show on the B-Ball Court. It's an interesting clip, these little girls range from 4th to 8th grade and I think they're from Ohio. It's fun, and it's even more fun to see the reaction of the Mid-Shipmen.

http://blip.tv/play/Ae+9MJOSSA http://blip.tv/play/Ae+9MJOSSA>
Thu 21 Oct, 2010 02:31 pm
It is interesting. I haven't heard much from Maggincat. Teeny posts here once in a while.
Fri 22 Oct, 2010 12:23 am
I didn't see Maggie listed as a member. Do you remember what her screen name was? or have a link?????
Fri 22 Oct, 2010 01:00 am
In order to provide food for thought to some posters, here is some stuff collected on the internet:

Actual amount of semen per ejaculation: 1-2 teaspoons
Average number of times a man will ejaculate in his lifetime: 7,200
Average # of times he will ejaculate from masturbation: 2,000
Average total amount of lifetime ejaculate: 14 gallons
Average amount of water it takes to fill a bathtub: 35 gallons
Average speed of ejaculation: 28 miles per hour
Average speed of a city bus: 25 miles per hour
Average # of calories in a teaspoon of semen: 7
Average # of calories in a can of Dr. Pepper: 150
Average length of penis when not erect: 3.5 inches
Average length when erect: 5.1
Smallest natural penis recorded: 5/8 of an inch
Largest natural penis recorded: 11 inches
Largest penis in the animal kingdom: 11 feet (blue whale)
Height from court floor to the rim of a basketball hoop: 10 feet
Most arousing time of day/season for a man: Early morning/fall
Best ways to improve sexual function: quit smoking, start exercising, lose weight
Foods that improve sex life: oysters, lean meat, seafood, whole grains, wheat germ
Percent of men who say they masturbate: 60%
Percent of men who say they masturbate at least once a day: 54%
Percent of men who say they feel guilty masturbating that often: 41%
Amount of time needed for a man to regain erection: from 2 min to 2 weeks
Average # of erections per day for a man: 11
Average # of erections during the night: 9
Distance sperm travels to fertilize an egg: 3-4 inches
The human equivalent: 26 miles (a marathon distance)
Time it takes the sperm: 2.5 seconds
Time it takes an average person to complete a marathon: 4 hours
Sperm life: 2 1/2 months (from development to ejaculation)
Shelf life of a Hostess Twinkie: 7 years
Cost of a year's supply of condoms: $100
Thickness of the average condom: .07 mm
Thickness of super-thin condoms: .05 mm
Thickness of plastic wrap: .0127 mm
# of times condoms are thicker that plastic wrap: Almost 6
In general, the taste of a man's semen varies with his diet.
Some say that the alkaline-based foods (fish and some meats) produce a buttery or fishy taste.
Dairy products can create a foul taste; the taste of semen after eating asparagus is said to be the foulest.
Acidic fruits and alcohol (except processed liquors) give it a pleasant and sugary taste. Examples: oranges, mangos, kiwi, lemons, grapefruit, limes, Labatt Blue, Honey Brown, etc. (drinking a Corona with lime is double the fun)
Odors that increase blood flow to the penis: lavender, licorice, chocolate, doughnuts, pumpkin pie.
Yes, the penis does shrink in the shower.
It is common for men to wake up with 'morning wood,' a name for an a.m. erection.
Blue balls, or the term a man uses when he says his balls will explode if he doesn't have sex, is totally false.
Fri 22 Oct, 2010 03:30 am
Francis wrote:

Average number of times a man will ejaculate in his lifetime: 7,200
Average # of times he will ejaculate from masturbation: 2000

Percent of men who say they masturbate at least once a day: 54%

This seems awry. Unless most men are having sex 3 times per day. And if you are, I'm very annoyed about that! I'll never catch up at this rate.
Fri 22 Oct, 2010 03:41 am
Think again..after doing your math.
Fri 22 Oct, 2010 04:17 am
Can't see where I'm going wrong. Also, if those 54% can be thought to fit with that 2000, then they must be dead by the age of about 20.
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