Sun 25 Jul, 2010 04:26 pm
EB! Ossobucco! MsOlga! And every weak or nonswimmer here at a2k, you are invited to this summer's a2k Anchor Meeting!
Bring your rubber duckies, your life vests, your life rings, your arm floats, whatever floats you and keeps you from drowning.
And we will be interviewing for the life guard position to stay ever vigilant and keep us from drowning.
Whomever gets hired for the job must be a strong swimmer. He or she must also get
Issac Assimov out of our lifeguard chair so he can overlook the a2k Anchor Club swimming pool. He thinks it's his own personal throne or something like that. Thinks he's some kind of a saint after he died! <<<JEEZ-LOUISE!!>>>
And here is the a2k indoor swimming pool:
No sharks! Always clean! Never deeper then 3 and a half feet/1 meter deep.
I'd love to join because I'm not a good swimmer at all. Never could get the breathing thing figured out. I always get a mouthful of water within the first 5 strokes.
But I am not an Anchor. I cannot sink. I always float...without even trying. Could I get an assistant membership as a Bobber?
I'll grant you a lifetime appointment as the Secretary of the Department of Bobbing.
Well, honey, I used to swim a mile 3x a week. Ok, ok, a slow mile, in a Y pool, but I loved it, once I got the hang of it, a kind of dream state. Past that I never could tread water enough to save my life. Plus it was years ago. And I was a wimp re the ocean that I loved. Now, I'd dearly love a good pool at hand. I'd probably need flippers to start with (never tried them) before I'd expire out of breath.
So, you're right, I need a good life guard. I'll nominate my West LA YMCA swimming teacher. I think her name was/is Gwen. She was tall, thinnish, strong, elegant. I say elegant, especially in contrast to some fools I used to see in the pool (always a critic, even if I'm learning myself). She could glide an amazing amount of feet with one stroke, sort of like an eel in water.
She was smart. She knew to psych me to dive off the diving board the first time, so she was the kind of rescuer one would want.
Why do you assume our Life Guard is a he, first of all, and one who has read Asimov, secondly? Even I have an Asimov book tucked back there somewhere, but in the distance. This woman was cool but - pardon me, I'm speaking in old time, still a girl woman. I figure she went far in life somehow.
Oh, wait, I need to at least read the Asimov to get your thread. Backstrokes for a while.
Backstroke was my worst...
tsarstepan wrote:
I'll grant you a lifetime appointment as the Secretary of the Department of Bobbing.
Thank you, kind sir!
(I'm off to find a suitably attractive Under Secretary.....)
MartyBarker was a strong swimmer, I think (I miss her here). She should be in the running, as it were.
I bought his throne from ebay and installed it next to our pool. We need a fancy life guard seat so our life guard feels really important as the salary isn't too enticing. But it came with
Asimov's ghost so our future life guard need also to understand how to perform an exorcism on the throne.
So, wait.. our Life Guard needs to get into exorcising instead of exercising?
I need help with swimming, with or without bowlegged women.
Backstroke, I can do. It's the rest of them that are not so good.
I so miss having a local pool to swim in here in Albuquerque!
Both my brother and I were excellent swimmers and on the neighborhood and high school swim teams when we were younguns.
We had a pool at the apartment complex I lived in in Sacramento before moving here. In the summer, I'd be in the pool almost every day by 9 am. A great way to beat the heat!
Apparently there is one, not so near to me... Montano? and west of that?
I used to do a km a couple of times a week back in Canberra. Sigh. I miss the AIS facilities.
At this time, if I were at a pool, I'd be a slug. for months. I've gotten past that before.
Huh. I don't know what I clicked on, but I got a big whoosh. Certainly not a2ks fault. Stares at browser.
Application for life guard position. Here are my credentials.
ossobuco wrote:
Is that you, Dutch?
Yes I was one of those bronzed Aussie life savers.