Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 09:10 pm
And, while I hope that's useful for other readers, I mostly find it boring and not worth my time and energy.

Thanks for the example of why men should always pay attention to what a woman does, rather than what she says.
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Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 09:18 pm
And it is possible that the photo taken of her during the sexual act will also reveal whether or not she was incapacitated.

You are delusional, she could have her eyes closed and a guy could have his hands in her hair slamming her head up and down on his cock and it still would prove nothing, there are hundreds of thousands of pics and video clips like this on porn sites.

And why would someone take a photo like that, and then post it on the internet? What possible motive would explain that?

I would assume the usual reason, bragging that they got lucky this night cause a hot girl chose to come home and had sex with them.
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Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 11:20 pm
Date rape...

Man Found Guilty in Christian Mingle Rape Case
Two women testified that Sean Banks raped them after they met online
By Andie Adams
Tuesday, Jun 24, 2014

A San Diego County jury convicted a Del Mar man of raping two women he met through online dating sites ChristianMingle.com and Match.com.

Navy Lieutenant Sean Banks, 38, was found guilty of rape, rape of an intoxicated woman, two counts of forcible digital penetration and residential burglary with intent to commit rape. The jury found him not guilty of attempting to dissuade a witness.

He faces 40 years to life in prison when he is sentenced.

Banks' lawyer told NBC 7 Banks he is deeply disappointed in the results of what he called a "he said-she said" case. He plans to meet with his client to see what their options are moving forward, including possible motions for a new trial.

But prosecutors were pleased that this "very dangerous internet predator" will be placed behind bars.

"Sean Banks is an example of why it is very important for women to know who they are going out with," the deputy district attorney said.

State law does not require allegations of rape to be corroborated, according to the defense lawyer, so no DNA evidence was presented to help convict Banks.

During the more than week-long trial in El Cajon, two women – known only as K.K. and R.O. – told the jury Banks had raped them.

K.K. said she met Banks through ChristianMingle.com and invited him to come to her La Mesa apartment for their first meeting on Nov. 21, 2012.

She then detailed how Banks overpowered and sexually assaulted her. The deputy district attorney told NBC 7 the burglary charge stems from Banks dragging K.K. from her living room to her bedroom and raping her.

R.O. said Banks raped her in 2009 after they met on Match.com.

But in a taped interview with police played for the jury, Banks called K.K. “crazy” and denied forcing the women into doing anything they didn’t want to do.

His defense team argued that Banks stopped his advances and left when the women ordered him out.

Prosecutors say he went by the aliases Rarity, Rylan, Rylan Butterwood and Rylan Harbough on his dating profiles. Banks told police he did that because he is legally changing his name to Rylan.
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 11:35 pm
Navy Lieutenant Sean Banks, 38
there is no such thing as a 38 year old O-3......this guy left the Navy some time ago, he is a computer tech now.
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 11:39 pm
this guy left the Navy some time ago, he is a computer tech now.

He's a convicted rapist now...
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 11:48 pm
And lets look at these idiot women shall we?

The woman who testified Monday was identified only as L.J. and said she met the defendant face-to- face in New York a short time later and spent less than an hour with him in his hotel room, but he made no advances. The two went out to a restaurant, then went their separate ways, she said.

They didn't talk for six months or so, but in July 2010, L.J., then 25, said she communicated with Banks via Skype and he invited her to get together in London and said he would pay for half of her airfare, and possibly her hotel room.

The witness said she liked Banks because he was a Christian and was good- looking, but found him evasive when it came to talking about what he did and who he was.

Upon arriving in London, she said Banks showed her the shower in her hotel room, which she found "a bit weird."

The woman said they went to a dance club, where Banks danced very close and made aggressive movements that made her uncomfortable.

"It was more than I wanted," she testified.

The woman said Banks seemed disappointed as they walked back to the hotel, telling her, "You're not the one."

She said she left a sandwich outside Banks' hotel room the next morning "as a peace offering," but he didn't answer the door.

Later, the woman said she and Banks started talking again and she made her way into his room.

The two were lying on the bed talking when Banks touched her in a sexual way and she jumped, the woman testified.

"It was pretty uncomfortable," she said. "I'd never been touched like that before."

The woman said Banks touched her again in the same way, and she told him, "I'm waiting for marriage."

Banks checked out the hotel ahead of her, but didn't offer to pay for half of her room, as she expected, she said.

The woman told Banks that she didn't appreciate people going back on their word, and he got very angry and screamed obscenities at her.

"He said, 'You're just like all the girls in the world,"' L.J. testified.


The state has this guy as a dangerous internet predator, but in this case he looks like a desperate incompetent maybe wantabe predator. Definitely supports the theory that a lot of these rape cases are created when women dont get what they want from men, that the sexual wrongdoing charge is retribution.

Now I ask you....in all fairness, even if all this is true, does this act warrant anything close to a lifetime in prison? Likely the other womans story is not much better.
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 12:01 am
The state has this guy as a dangerous internet predator, but in this case he looks like a desperate incompetent maybe wantabe predator.

That women wasn't one of the two he was tried for raping.

The state nailed this guy as a sexual predator. That's an impressive conviction in a he said/she said case.

Now I ask you....in all fairness, even if all this is true, does this act warrant anything close to a lifetime in prison

What do you mean, "Even if all this is true"? The jurors are the finders of fact, and they have found him guilty. The man is a convicted serial predator.

He faces up to 40 years, it's up to a judge to decide the appropriate sentence.
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 12:09 am
The state nailed this guy as a sexual predator.

the state should be careful applying the " dangerous sexual predator" tag to a guy they did not catch till he was 37, who after exhaustive work looking they cant find a rape that happened before he was 33, and only two after that. Did he even stick his penis in either of them? It is not clear, no DNA evidence was presented which makes me wonder how little he did to the two women the state did find.

Banks is facing 40 years to life in prison when he is sentenced on September 5.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2667006/Christian-Mingle-predator-guilty-raping-two-women.html#ixzz360QhHfV4
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 12:20 am
Did he even stick his penis in either of them?

Now you don't know the legal definition of rape?

They convicted him, Hawkeye.

The jury believed his two victims...he's a serial predator.

He'll now be behind bars where he belongs.

This sort of outcome should encourage other prosecutors to take more date rape he said/she said cases to trial.
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 12:36 am
This sort of outcome should encourage other prosecutors to take more date rape he said/she said cases to trial.
These prosecutors did not think that they were dealing with a date raper, they thought they had a predator who mines the internet for victims. Nice theory, but they could not find much. They are lucky that the jury bought their story. This guy is clearly a loser who tries to do his best to bottom feed for sex, whether he is a rapist who should be locked up for life IDK. From what I have read it sounds like the reason the jury went for it was that this guy misleads women talking all about GOd when what he wants is sex. THat is a huge problem, but the rest of his life in prison might be overkill.
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 01:04 am
These prosecutors did not think that they were dealing with a date raper, they thought they had a predator who mines the internet for victims.

They did have a sexual predator who mined the internet for victims--he just used internet dating sites for that purpose. He used both ChristianMingle.com and Match.com.

And he then raped those women on their first dates with him. He is a dangerous serial predator.
This guy is clearly a loser who tries to do his best to bottom feed for sex,

No, Hawkeye, he's a rapist--he's been found guilty of rape, rape of an intoxicated woman, two counts of forcible digital penetration and residential burglary with intent to commit rape.

Your attempts to continue to deny the reality of rape, and what rapists are like, and how they operate, have really gotten absurd.

Fortunately, the jury did not share your bias, they believed the victims, they followed and applied the sexual assault laws, and they convicted him.

This case should send a message to other D.A.s that acquaintance/date rape he said/she said cases can be successfully prosecuted. More of these cases should go to trial.

Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 01:20 am
A California judge has sentenced an Iraqi immigrant to 26 years-to-life in prison for his wife's fatal beating, which initially drew international condemnation when authorities believed it was a hate crime.

Kassim Alhimidi yelled out in English "I swear I am not guilty!" before his sentencing in San Diego County Superior Court on Monday.

The 50-year-old was given 25-years to life for the killing and an additional year for using a weapon. Prosecutors say it was possibly a tire iron.

Investigators initially believed the killing was a hate crime because of a note found nearby that read: "This is my country, go back to yours, you terrorist."

The killing was condemned by Muslim community leaders in the United States and Iraq before lab tests determined the note was a photocopy.

The sentencing Monday follows an emotional trial. Alhimidi shook his head and wagged his finger when jurors delivered the guilty verdict in April. His oldest son shouted obscenities and proclaimed his father's innocence before several deputies wrestled him out of the courtroom. Another son also shouted in his father's defense, while the victim's mother said in Arabic that Alhimidi deserved worse, according to an official court translator.

"In Iraq, normally if he kills her, he is supposed to be killed in the same way," Rehima Alhussanwi told reporters through the translator after Alhimidi's conviction in April.

The couple's eldest daughter found Alawadi, 32, in a pool of blood on the kitchen floor in March 2012, and she died two days later, suffering from multiple fractures to her head. A note found nearby read: "This is my country, go back to yours, you terrorist," setting off a hate-crime investigation.


In Cal a brutal murder gets 26-life, but but a scummy lowlife's misadventures in getting sex is worth 40-life??

Call me not convinced.

EDIT: a lets not forget the case of last week, where the state claims that one bad sex act with a 12 year old ( if I remember right) is worth a 700 year prison sentence. SOMETHING DOES NOT COMPUTE!
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 01:38 am
a scummy lowlife's misadventures in getting sex is worth 40-life

Sorry, buddy, no way is the crime of rape a "misadventure in getting sex."

Your attitude shows just how out of touch you are with reality.

Predators like this one count on their victims not reporting their complaints to the police, and/or not having the victims believed. I'm glad the jury showed this one just how wrong he was about that.

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 01:40 am
I find it alarming that in 2014 America the Feminists have us convinced that if a man touches a woman wrong one time there must be decades of prison handed out because the woman has probably been ruined for life.

This sounds like something that I would only expect to see in ISIS controlled Iraq or Taliban Afghanistan . The American feminists are uncomfortably close to the views of Muslim men who are trying their damndest to turn the clock back 1000 years.
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 01:41 am
Sorry, buddy, no way is the crime of rape a "misadventure in getting sex."

it is more often than not exactly that.
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 02:12 am
I find it alarming that in 2014 America the Feminists have us convinced that if a man touches a woman wrong one time there must be decades of prison handed out because the woman has probably been ruined for life.

This has nothing to do with feminism, asshole. The man violated a number of serious sexual assault laws--he's been found guilty of rape, rape of an intoxicated woman, two counts of forcible digital penetration and residential burglary with intent to commit rape--and he should be punished for all of those crimes.
Most people do not share your rather warped view of rape as a relatively trivial matter or some sort of "misadventure"--and I'm sure that will include the judge who imposes sentence on this predator. I doubt the sentence will be anywhere near 40 years, but I hope it's stiff enough to send a strong message about the unacceptability of crimes of this nature--a message loud enough to be heard on every college campus.

One way to stop rape, particularly acquaintance rape, from being a crime which can be committed with relative impunity, is to continue to apprehend and convict other sexual predators just like this one, and bring the full force of the law down on them. Then the laws might really have some deterrent effect.

Your paranoid obsession with feminists shows just what a whack job you are. How's your supply of tin foil holding up? Laughing

Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 06:59 am

...fuk this
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 01:10 pm
Most people do not share your rather warped view of rape as a relatively trivial matter or some sort of "misadventure"

1) truth is not determined by taking a vote

2) I was as anti rape as everyone else before rape was redefined as non government approved sex. When rape was forcing a woman to be subjected to a penis in her I was all for throwing the book at rapists.
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 01:43 pm
When rape was forcing a woman to be subjected to a penis in her I was all for throwing the book at rapists.

Which state defines the crime of rape as something other than being penetrated by a penis without consent? Do any states define "rape" as something other than an act of sexual intercourse forced on someone who has not consented or is unable to consent?

So you don't acknowledge the sexual assaults of men, who have been penetrated by the penis of another man, without consent, as a type of rape?

So you don't acknowledge that the sexual assaults of very elderly women, by males known to them, are rapes, because these victims generally offer little or no resistance to the unwanted sex?
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 01:59 pm
Rape victims can use the civil courts to seek monetary damages--as these victims are doing.
Women sue rapist attorney Danford Grant, his wife
Friday, June 27, 2014

Four women raped by Danford Grant during his campaign of sexual assaults against area masseuses have sued the Seattle attorney and his wife.

Having admitted to raping five women, Grant is currently locked up at a Shelton state prison. He’s expected to spend most of his remaining years in prison.

Now, several of the women Grant raped have sued him and his wife, Jennifer, claiming both owe them for the harm Grant caused.

Writing the court, Bellevue attorney Michael Maxwell said the four women he represents suffered physical and emotional injuries at Grant’s hands. The attorney described Jennifer Grant – who helped hide her husband’s car from police after his arrest – as a “co-conspirator” in the attacks.

Police were already investigating reports of a client raping Asian masseuses in Seattle and on the Eastside when Grant was apprehended in Seattle’s Greenwood neighborhood attempting to flee a massage parlor there on Sept. 24, 2012. Grant was described by police as a serial rapist, “obsessed with Asian women,” who preyed on immigrant masseuses.

Grant, a founding partner in a Seattle law firm and onetime assistant city attorney in Seattle, raped five women in a series of assaults in the summer and fall of 2012. He pleaded guilty to five counts of third-degree rape, and was sentenced in May to 25 years in state prison.

Police apprehended Grant near the Greenwood massage parlor after he was tackled by a bystander.

Grant’s car – a Honda Pilot – had been parked nearby when he was arrested but was later moved by his wife, a former prosecutor with the city of Seattle. When police finally searched the SUV, detectives claim to have seized a replica pistol, a bag of Viagra and various electronics.

Jennifer Grant removed an office key card and her husband’s wedding ring from the SUV. He’d apparently left the latter there when he went to rape a masseuse at the Greenwood parlor.

During the searches, investigators found that a user of tablet computers found in Grant’s home – presumably Grant himself – had searched the internet for “rape scenes” and visited a website called rapescenes.net.

Having denied the allegations and maligned his victims as lying prostitutes, Grant ultimately admitted to raping the women. He pleaded guilty to five counts of third-degree rape, and one count of burglary.

Neither Grant nor his wife have yet responded to the lawsuit, which was filed Tuesday in King County Superior Court. A specific money demand wasn’t given.
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