Quote:I'm not surprised to hear you're a solitary drinker.
And the amount of BillRM's alcohol consumption can be judged by how much even more fractured and garbled his language use becomes.
And you're quite right, he never had a sex life in college. And that wasn't because he was too busy studying. No one, regardless of their major, is too busy studying in college that they can't enjoy an active social life has well. And, if an engineering student can't find girls at their own school, they find them at other colleges, or they have friends who fix them up on dates. BillRM was just a loser.
So, imagining what kind of sex life young college men can enjoy now is just another porn fantasy for him--all those lusty drunk women, young enough to be his granddaughters, just spreading their legs for him. This topic is just more porn for him. Since his frame of reference is only porn, he can't acknowledge the real life reality of sexual assault.